Sproutcore 的问题

Sproutcore 的问题

我正在尝试通过执行以下操作使用 Sproutcore 创建应用程序:

cd /home/user/Development/Sproutcore


sproutcore gen statechart_app TestApp


~ Created directory at apps/test_app
WARN 19:39:59.009 ~ For specific help on how to use this generator, type: sc-gen statechart_app --help 
FATAL 19:39:59.009 ~ Permission denied - /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/sproutcore-1.9.1/lib/apps/test_app


~ Created directory at apps/test_app
~ Created file at apps/test_app/Buildfile
~ Created directory at apps/test_app/resources
~ Created file at apps/test_app/resources/main_page.js
~ Created file at apps/test_app/resources/loading.rhtml
~ Created file at apps/test_app/resources/_theme.css
~ Created file at apps/test_app/theme.js
~ Created file at apps/test_app/main.js
~ Created file at apps/test_app/statechart.js
~ Created directory at apps/test_app/states
~ Created file at apps/test_app/states/ready_state.js
~ Created file at apps/test_app/core.js

Your application target is now ready to use!

尽管它说我的应用程序现在可以使用了,但我在 Sproutcore 文件夹中没有看到任何 TestApp。

这是为什么?我是不是漏掉了什么?我正在运行 12.04 LTS。


该行FATAL 19:39:59.009 ~ Permission denied表明目录未创建,可能是因为没有权限。

因此使用 sudo 运行命令

sudo sproutcore gen statechart_app TestApp
