Legacy integer arithmetics implementation
krita(5850)/kdeui (KIconLoader): Error: standard icon theme "oxygen" not found!
Got bus address: "unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-VniZSIc28N,guid=ba4cb51309f8eaeddc2d0a2f00000017"
Connected to accessibility bus at: "unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-VniZSIc28N,guid=ba4cb51309f8eaeddc2d0a2f00000017"
Registered DEC: true
krita(5850)/koffice (lib komain): "krita" part.desktop not found.
krita(5850)/koffice (lib komain): Run 'kde4-config --path services' to see which directories were searched, assuming kde startup had the same environment as your current shell.
krita(5850)/koffice (lib komain): Check your installation (did you install Calligra in a different prefix than KDE, without adding the prefix to /etc/kderc ?)
我最近尝试安装 Krita。我使用了他们在网站上提供的命令行,结果如下。
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install krita
我通过安装 karbon 和 kde-plasma-dekstop 解决了这个问题。说明可以在这里找到这里
但是,当我从终端运行 krita 时,我仍然会看到一大堆错误。
注意:我在 elementeryOS 上运行。