三星 Ultra 5 530U 过热(风扇根本不转)

三星 Ultra 5 530U 过热(风扇根本不转)

我在上面提到的超极本上安装了 Mint。


我尝试使用 Bumblebee,但似乎根本不起作用。我收到以下错误:

[  933.896850] [ERROR]The Bumblebee daemon has not been started yet or the socket path /var/run/bumblebee.socket was incorrect.
[  933.896916] [ERROR]Could not connect to bumblebee daemon - is it running?


但是当我运行时: sudo pwmconfig 我收到此错误:

# pwmconfig revision 6166 (2013-05-01)
This program will search your sensors for pulse width modulation (pwm)
controls, and test each one to see if it controls a fan on
your motherboard. Note that many motherboards do not have pwm
circuitry installed, even if your sensor chip supports pwm.

We will attempt to briefly stop each fan using the pwm controls.
The program will attempt to restore each fan to full speed
after testing. However, it is ** very important ** that you
physically verify that the fans have been to full speed
after the program has completed.

/usr/sbin/pwmconfig: There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed

在 Windows 8 下一切运行顺畅。

最让我感到疑惑的是,风扇根本不转。在 Windows 8 下,我能听到风扇运转的声音。



GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="radeon.dpm=1 acpi=off"

这似乎可以让笔记本电脑不会过热。但似乎是通过降低 CPU 速度来实现的。整个设备运行速度变慢,风扇仍然没有转动。BIOS 中似乎没有选项可以解决这个问题。


我也遇到过类似的问题(尽管风扇确实在旋转)。我安装了 thermald,这给我带来了更多问题,因为它将 CPU 降至“不太高”的温度并处于静止状态。

最后,手动启用 pstate(据我所知以前是默认的)并启用 thermald(如下文所述),我的风扇工作正常。速度随温度变化,CPU 负载降低,但不会像以前那样达到极限。

