在 14.0.4 中使用 openstack 安装脚本安装 Openstack 失败

在 14.0.4 中使用 openstack 安装脚本安装 Openstack 失败

我是 openstack 新手,尝试使用安装程序脚本安装 openstack,并按照以下说明进行操作单一安装指南。我收到以下错误。:

administrator@kvrgz-controller:~/.cloud-install$ more commands.log 
INFO • 11-05 23:39:42 [LINE:102, FUNC:<module>] • cloudinstall • cloud-install starting
INFO • 11-05 23:39:42 [LINE:73, FUNC:status_context] • cloudinstall.core • Get started by entering an Openstack password to u
se in your cloud ..
DEBUG • 11-05 23:39:42 [LINE:101, FUNC:_build_widget] • cloudinstall.ui.dialog • Num items: 2, items: <BoxAdapter selectable 
flow widget <ListBox selectable box widget> height=2>
DEBUG • 11-05 23:39:54 [LINE:108, FUNC:submit] • cloudinstall.ui.dialog • Callback on : OrderedDict([('password', <EditInput 
selectable flow widget>), ('confirm_password', <EditInput selectable flow widget>)])
INFO • 11-05 23:39:54 [LINE:73, FUNC:status_context] • cloudinstall.core • Choose your installation path ..
DEBUG • 11-05 23:39:54 [LINE:101, FUNC:_build_widget] • cloudinstall.ui.dialog • Num items: 4, items: <BoxAdapter selectable 
flow widget <ListBox selectable box widget> height=4>
DEBUG • 11-05 23:39:58 [LINE:157, FUNC:submit] • cloudinstall.ui • Callback on : OrderedDict([('Single', <RadioButton selecta
ble flow widget 'Single' state=True>), ('Multi', <RadioButton selectable flow widget 'Multi' state=False>), ('Multi with exis
ting MAAS', <RadioButton selectable flow widget 'Multi with existing MAAS' state=False>), ('Landscape', <RadioButton selectab
le flow widget 'Landscape' state=False>)])
INFO • 11-05 23:39:58 [LINE:73, FUNC:status_context] • cloudinstall.core • Building environment
DEBUG • 11-05 23:39:58 [LINE:579, FUNC:ssh_genkey] • cloudinstall.utils • *** ssh keys exist for this user, they will be used
 instead*** If the current ssh keys are not passwordless you'll be*** required to enter your ssh key password during containe
r*** creation.
DEBUG • 11-05 23:39:58 [LINE:50, FUNC:global_exchandler] • cloudinstall.utils • Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/utils.py", line 64, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python3.4/threading.py", line 868, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/single_install.py", line 145, in do_install
  File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/single_install.py", line 64, in create_container_and_wait
    utils.container_create(self.container_name, self.userdata)
  File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/utils.py", line 473, in container_create
Exception: Unable to create container: 



这是修复https://github.com/Ubuntu-Solutions-Engineering/openstack-installer/commit/f20bb562ef31d5ca595924e8352df4f20c8384cd如果您希望测试它是否能解决您的问题,我们会将其放入我们的实验性 ppa 中ppa:cloud-installer/ppa。一旦我们完成当前测试,它将进入测试 ppa 以进行更多实际测试。更新:修复此问题的软件包现已在测试 ppa 中提供
