即使在 Ubuntu 14,10 中配置以太网接口后也无法连接互联网

即使在 Ubuntu 14,10 中配置以太网接口后也无法连接互联网

我是 Ubuntu 14.10 的新手,我最近安装了 Ubuntu 14.10,并
在文件中使用静态 IP 配置了以太网接口,如下所示/etc/network/interfaces。我还在/etc/reslov.conf文件中添加了 DNS 服务器。


/etc/network/interfaces 中的以太网接口配置

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
    address 10.X.X.X
    gateway 10.X.X.X
    netmask 255.X.X.X

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static
    address 192.X.X.X
    gateway 192.X.X.X
    netmask 255.X.X.X

/etc/resolv.conf 中的 DNS 服务器配置

nameserver 10.X.X.X


Finally all is good. Actually i am using two interface card, 
previously i configured these two in wrong way, i did ones setting to others and      
others setting to ones. When i exchange the cables for these two interfaces, i found that it is working fine.

谢谢感谢@begueradj、@Thushi、@user3386914 的评论
