尝试在 Ubuntu 14.10 中安装 wine 时出错:缺少或冲突的软件包

尝试在 Ubuntu 14.10 中安装 wine 时出错:缺少或冲突的软件包

我已经尝试使用终端以及 ubuntu-software-center 来安装它,但我总是得到这个:

This error could be caused by required additional software packages which
are missing or not installable. Furthermore there could be a conflict between  
software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time.


请尝试运行sudo apt-get -f和/或sudo apt-get update然后sudo apt-get dist-upgrade- 如果没有发生错误 - 尝试再次安装 wine 并告知我们发生了什么。问候!
