如何修复 kcmshell5 错误:找不到模块 bluedevildevices(bluedevil 已安装!)

如何修复 kcmshell5 错误:找不到模块 bluedevildevices(bluedevil 已安装!)

我在 Kubuntu 15.04 的系统设置或系统托盘中没有蓝牙图标,因此我尝试使用 手动启动它bluedevil-monolithic。但是,系统托盘图标中的“配置蓝牙”菜单选项失败并显示以下错误 - 我该如何修复它们?

Could not find module 'bluedevildevices'. See kcmshell5 --list for the full list of modules.
Could not find module 'bluedeviltransfer'. See kcmshell5 --list for the full list of modules.
Could not find module 'bluedeviladapters'. See kcmshell5 --list for the full list of modules.


  • bluedevil已安装(版本2.0~rc1really1.3.2-0ubuntu1
  • /usr/sbin/bluetoothd -n并且bluedevil-monolithic正在运行(并且没有其他包含“bt”或“blue”的蓝牙相关软件正在运行)
  • 的输出blutoothbluetooth = on(之后rfkill unblock bluetooth


$ aptitude search blue | grep '^i'
i   bluedevil                       - KDE Bluetooth stack                       
i   bluez                           - Bluetooth tools and daemons               
i   bluez-alsa                      - Bluetooth ALSA support                    
i   bluez-compat                    - BlueZ 3.x compatibility binaries          
i   bluez-cups                      - Bluetooth printer driver for CUPS         
i   bluez-dbg                       - Bluetooth tools and daemons (with debuggin
i A bluez-gstreamer                 - Bluetooth GStreamer support               
i   bluez-hcidump                   - Analyses Bluetooth HCI packets            
i   bluez-tools                     - Set of tools to manage Bluetooth devices f
i   gir1.2-gnomebluetooth-1.0       - Introspection data for GnomeBluetooth     
i A gnome-bluetooth                 - GNOME Bluetooth tools                     
i   indicator-bluetooth             - System bluetooth indicator.               
i A libbluedevil1                   - Qt wrapper for bluez                      
i   libbluetooth3                   - Library to use the BlueZ Linux Bluetooth s
i A libbluetooth3-dbg               - Library to use the BlueZ Linux Bluetooth s
i   libgnome-bluetooth11            - GNOME Bluetooth tools - support library   
i   pulseaudio-module-bluetooth     - Bluetooth module for PulseAudio sound serv


事实证明,当我将 kcmshell4 符号链接到 kcmshell5 以解决另一个程序中的错误时,导致了此问题。我恢复了 kcmshell4,现在当我启动时bluedevil-monolithic,所有菜单选项都可以正常工作。

