在 Linux 中从 GPT 到 MBR?

在 Linux 中从 GPT 到 MBR?

实际上,我有单启动的 ubuntu 16.04,但考虑到我必须安装 windows 7 来实现双启动,我可以使用分区但是我怎样才能将该空间格式化为膜生物反应器我甚至无法通过谷歌搜索找到方法,请问有什么帮助吗?


gdisk有一个h命令可以与现有的 GPT 一起创建 MBR:

h   Create a hybrid MBR. This is an ugly workaround that enables
    GPT-unaware OSes, or those that can't boot from a GPT disk, to
    access up to three of the partitions on the disk by creating MBR
    entries for them. Note that these hybrid MBR entries can easily
    go out of sync with the GPT entries, particularly when
    hybrid-unaware GPT utilities are used to edit the disk. Thus,
    you may need to recreate the hybrid MBR if you use such tools.
    Unlike the 'g' option, this option does not support converting
    any partitions into MBR logical partitions.


  • GPT 占主导地位,而 MBR 只是一个图像,每次 GPT 更改时都必须更新。
  • 不会从不兼容的 GPT(分区太大、分区太多等)创建 MBR
  • 谨慎使用!在摆弄磁盘分区之前备份你的数据
