Duplicity 收集状态格式

Duplicity 收集状态格式

想知道我是否可以帮忙解析命令的输出duplicity collection-status MYPATH



    # get the backups information
    _t=`duplicity collection-status $1`

    # split the collection based on new lines
    IFS=$'\n' _arr=($_t)

    # find the length of the array

    # we only want the last set of lines, minus the last 2 lines
    _end=`expr $_arr_len - 2`

    # loop over our resulting set and echo out the line

    # make sure there are actually backups created
    if [[ -z ${_arr[14]} ]]; then
        # it doesnt exist, show a message and exit
        echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------';
        echo 'There are no backups for that account/app'
        echo 'Please create the account, and make sure it matches the restore'
        echo 'Account and App names'
        echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------';
        exit 1;

    echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------';
    echo "- Select a restore point: "

    for _l in ${_arr[@]}; do
        if [ $_idx -ge 14 -a $_idx -le $_end ]; then

            IFS=$' ' _temp_arr=($_l)
            _d_string=${_temp_arr[1]}" "${_temp_arr[2]}" "${_temp_arr[3]}" "${_temp_arr[4]}" "${_temp_arr[5]}
            _ret_arr+=( "$_d_string" )
            # Tue Aug 27 10:59:43 2019
            echo $_menu_idx") "$_d_string;

    read n

    # get the value of the selected item

    # make sure the selection is valid
    if [[ -z $_t ]]; then
        echo "You selected an invalid restore point.  Please try again"
        exit 1;


    # convert the selected value to a epoch date and return it
    _ret_date=$(date -d "${_t}" +"%s");


root@sp-stage1:~# duplicity collection-status $_dest/$_host/apps/aats/aats/
Synchronizing remote metadata to local cache...
Copying duplicity-full-signatures.20190903T134927Z.sigtar.gz to local cache.
Copying duplicity-full.20190903T134927Z.manifest to local cache.
Copying duplicity-inc.20190903T134927Z.to.20190903T162118Z.manifest to local cache.
Copying duplicity-inc.20190903T162118Z.to.20190904T050005Z.manifest to local cache.
Copying duplicity-inc.20190904T050005Z.to.20190905T050004Z.manifest to local cache.
Copying duplicity-inc.20190905T050004Z.to.20190906T050005Z.manifest to local cache.
Copying duplicity-inc.20190906T050005Z.to.20190907T050005Z.manifest to local cache.
Copying duplicity-inc.20190907T050005Z.to.20190908T050004Z.manifest to local cache.
Copying duplicity-new-signatures.20190903T134927Z.to.20190903T162118Z.sigtar.gz to local cache.
Copying duplicity-new-signatures.20190903T162118Z.to.20190904T050005Z.sigtar.gz to local cache.
Copying duplicity-new-signatures.20190904T050005Z.to.20190905T050004Z.sigtar.gz to local cache.
Copying duplicity-new-signatures.20190905T050004Z.to.20190906T050005Z.sigtar.gz to local cache.
Copying duplicity-new-signatures.20190906T050005Z.to.20190907T050005Z.sigtar.gz to local cache.
Copying duplicity-new-signatures.20190907T050005Z.to.20190908T050004Z.sigtar.gz to local cache.
Last full backup date: Tue Sep  3 09:49:27 2019
Collection Status
Connecting with backend: BackendWrapper
Archive dir: /home/ubuntu/.cache/duplicity/6a9fb8e3df936035e1be5ede96c0d7a7

Found 0 secondary backup chains.

Found primary backup chain with matching signature chain:
Chain start time: Tue Sep  3 09:49:27 2019
Chain end time: Sun Sep  8 01:00:04 2019
Number of contained backup sets: 7
Total number of contained volumes: 8
 Type of backup set:                            Time:      Num volumes:
                Full         Tue Sep  3 09:49:27 2019                 2
         Incremental         Tue Sep  3 12:21:18 2019                 1
         Incremental         Wed Sep  4 01:00:05 2019                 1
         Incremental         Thu Sep  5 01:00:04 2019                 1
         Incremental         Fri Sep  6 01:00:05 2019                 1
         Incremental         Sat Sep  7 01:00:05 2019                 1
         Incremental         Sun Sep  8 01:00:04 2019                 1
No orphaned or incomplete backup sets found.


- Select a restore point:
1) of contained backup sets: 8
2) number of contained volumes: 9
3) of backup set: Time: Num
4) Tue Sep 3 09:49:27 2019
5) Tue Sep 3 12:21:18 2019
6) Wed Sep 4 01:00:05 2019
7) Thu Sep 5 01:00:04 2019
8) Fri Sep 6 01:00:05 2019
9) Sat Sep 7 01:00:05 2019
10) Sun Sep 8 01:00:04 2019
11) Sun Sep 8 09:33:26 2019


- Select a restore point:
1) Tue Sep 3 09:49:27 2019
2) Tue Sep 3 12:21:18 2019
3) Wed Sep 4 01:00:05 2019
4) Thu Sep 5 01:00:04 2019
5) Fri Sep 6 01:00:05 2019
6) Sat Sep 7 01:00:05 2019
7) Sun Sep 8 01:00:04 2019
8) Sun Sep 8 09:33:26 2019

(是的,9 月 8 日的双重备份是正确的……目前是这样)





if [ $_idx -ge 14 -a $_idx -le $_end ]


您提供的 duplicity 输入比您预期的 14 个非空行多出 3 行,而所需数据之前是 14 个非空行。一种可能性是,此输入可能是 stdout 和 stderr 的混合,而您的代码仅读取 stdout。但是,我注意到,除行外,还有 14 个非空行。由于 duplicity 的输入也与备份日期的预期或实际输出不匹配,我怀疑您的示例的实际输入中Copying只有三行。Copying

如果是这样,并且输出格式在所有情况下都相同,则如果duplicity collection-status两次运行之间没有新的备份,您的代码可能会正常工作。但这也假设输出中不会出现新的意外,包括 duplicity 未来版本中可能出现的变化。


这是一个重要的习惯总是双引号,"$variables"除非您有意断词(例如您的 IFS 行)。如果您只做了最低限度,那么以后输入时很容易出现您最初没有预料到的意外断词。

此外,内置的 bash select(参见help select)是一种处理菜单的简单方法。

# get the backups information
_t=`duplicity collection-status "$1"`

# split the collection based on new lines
IFS=$'\n' _arr=($_t)

# loop over our resulting set and select lines
for _l in "${_arr[@]}"; do
    IFS=$' ' _temp_arr=($_l)
    if [ Full = "${_temp_arr[0]}" -o Incremental = "${_temp_arr[0]}" ]; then
        _d_string="${_temp_arr[1]} ${_temp_arr[2]} ${_temp_arr[3]} ${_temp_arr[4]} ${_temp_arr[5]}"
        _ret_arr+=( "$_d_string" )

echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------';
# make sure there are actually backups created, i.e. at least one line matched
if [[ -z "${_ret_arr[0]}" ]]; then
    # it doesnt exist, show a message and exit
    echo 'There are no backups for that account/app'
    echo 'Please create the account, and make sure it matches the restore'
    echo 'Account and App names'
    echo '--------------------------------------------------------------------';
    exit 1;

echo "- Select a restore point: "
select _t in "${_ret_arr[@]}"; do
    # will keep asking until valid value given
    [ -n "$_t" ] && break


# convert the selected value to a epoch date and return it
_ret_date=$(date -d "${_t}" +"%s")
