Adjust volume change step in Ubuntu 18.04

Adjust volume change step in Ubuntu 18.04

In Ubuntu 18.04, when pressing media buttons on my keyboard, the volume is (de/)increased by around 6%. How can I make the change smaller?

Every solution I've found on the internet doesn't seem to work in Ubuntu 18.04...

  1. There is no longer volume-step to change in dconf...
  2. Replacing the default action of media buttons from XF86AudioLowerVolume to amixer set Master 1- would work, but then you don't get the GUI notification pop-up with the current volume.
  3. Pressing Shift+ is ok, let me regulates with 2% step, but I don't want to press Shift. I just want to be able to use my volume scroll on the keyboard and adjust the step myself.

Seems that dev hardcoded those values... Is there something you can recompile yourself to change it? Or is there a way to invoke this sound volume GUI popup manually? So this could be used with option 2.


I know that the original question asks about 18.04, but in 20.04 there is now a setting for this:

dconf write /org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/volume-step 2

Replace 2 with your desired step value.

