How can i make a script to open Winbox Wine easier and faster

How can i make a script to open Winbox Wine easier and faster

现在,当我尝试打开 Winbox 时,我必须:

  1. 打开终端
  2. cd /home/xxxx/下载
  3. 葡萄酒winbox64.exe

我所想要的只是放置一些可执行文件或图标,我们可以将其放在收藏夹或桌面,只需单击一下,Ubuntu 就会为我打开 Winbox。

Im using Linux Ubuntu 19.10 now..

really need your help to speed up our activity in Linux

im new linux user


Similar to what I did for running CloneVDI.exe with Wine. CloneVDI is an application to clone VirtualBox virtual drives. It works very well in Linux.

The easiest way to add your app as a menu item is by adding the app with Alacarte or Main Menu. If you don't have it in your Ubuntu, install it with:

sudo apt-get install alacarte

Then, open it (it may be installed under Accessories).


The image corresponds to my specific case. Change Name and Command to your app. You could locate your app with the Browse button.

This will add the corresponding .desktop file to $HOME/.local/share/applications.


The CloneVDI shortcut was saved under the name alacarte-made-1.desktop. Copy that file to your ~/Desktop and you are done!

The desktop file content will look like to something like this:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=wine /opt/CloneVDI-exe-4.00/CloneVDI.exe

I wish it could be easier but this is Linux Desktop world; infinitely hackable.
