Ubuntu 20.04/PixelBook 上的触摸屏校准失败

Ubuntu 20.04/PixelBook 上的触摸屏校准失败

在 PixelBook 上运行 Ubuntu 20.04 时,我无法成功校准触摸屏的几何形状。使用手写笔的触摸屏工作正常(尤其是在屏幕中心附近),但朝向显示屏角落的情况逐渐恶化——校准效果取决于我的显示分辨率。它目前非常不适合手写文档标记(我的主要用例),这已经够糟糕的了。


Warning: multiple calibratable devices found, calibrating last one (WCOM50C1:00 2D1F:5143 Pen (0))
    use --device to select another one.
Calibrating standard Xorg driver "WCOM50C1:00 2D1F:5143 Pen (0)"
    current calibration values: min_x=0, max_x=16777215 and min_y=0, max_y=16777215
    If these values are estimated wrong, either supply it manually with the --precalib option, or run the 'get_precalib.sh' script to automatically get it (through HAL).
    --> Making the calibration permanent <--
  copy the snippet below into '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf' (/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ in some distro's)
Section "InputClass"
    Identifier  "calibration"
    MatchProduct    "!!Name_Of_TouchScreen!!"
    Option  "MinX"  "-10194"
    Option  "MaxX"  "16778670"
    Option  "MinY"  "530113"
    Option  "MaxY"  "16310016"
    Option  "SwapXY"    "0" # unless it was already set to 1
    Option  "InvertX"   "0"  # unless it was already set
    Option  "InvertY"   "0"  # unless it was already set

Change '!!Name_Of_TouchScreen!!' to your device's name in the config above.

我将建议的代码片段放入新的(之前不存在的)文件 /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf 中,用作Wacom|WACOM|PTK-540WL|ISD-V4设备名称(也许应该是其他名称?)。无论如何,重新启动后,我的触摸屏校准仍然和以前一样差。

的输出xinput_calibrator --list

Device "WCOM50C1:00 2D1F:5143" id=9
Device "WCOM50C1:00 2D1F:5143 UNKNOWN" id=11
Device "WCOM50C1:00 2D1F:5143 Mouse" id=12
Device "WCOM50C1:00 2D1F:5143 Pen (0)" id=16

值得一提的是,输出xinput --list

⎡ Virtual core pointer                      id=2    [master pointer  (3)]
⎜   ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer                id=4    [slave  pointer  (2)]
⎜   ↳ WCOM50C1:00 2D1F:5143                     id=9    [slave  pointer  (2)]
⎜   ↳ WCOM50C1:00 2D1F:5143 UNKNOWN             id=11   [slave  pointer  (2)]
⎜   ↳ WCOM50C1:00 2D1F:5143 Mouse               id=12   [slave  pointer  (2)]
⎜   ↳ ACPI0C50:00 18D1:5028                     id=13   [slave  pointer  (2)]
⎜   ↳ WCOM50C1:00 2D1F:5143 Pen (0)             id=16   [slave  pointer  (2)]
⎣ Virtual core keyboard                     id=3    [master keyboard (2)]
    ↳ Virtual core XTEST keyboard               id=5    [slave  keyboard (3)]
    ↳ Power Button                              id=6    [slave  keyboard (3)]
    ↳ Video Bus                                 id=7    [slave  keyboard (3)]
    ↳ WebCamera: WebCamera                      id=8    [slave  keyboard (3)]
    ↳ WCOM50C1:00 2D1F:5143                     id=10   [slave  keyboard (3)]
    ↳ Intel Virtual Button driver               id=14   [slave  keyboard (3)]
    ↳ AT Translated Set 2 keyboard              id=15   [slave  keyboard (3)]




首先,我按照解决方案中的建议Toughbook CF-19 上的 xinput_calibrator 出现问题并且做到了

sudo apt install xserver-xorg-input-evdev
sudo apt remove xserver-xorg-input-libinput

其次,我尝试了xinput_calibrator --device X上面我最初问题中列出的每个设备 ID 号“X”,直到校准效果看起来更好。我终于找到了一个有效的值,到那时(可能是因为上面的 evdev/libindput 更改?)设备的识别似乎更安全,并且 99-calibration.conf 的推荐文本也不同。我用下面的几行替换了该文件的初始内容,现在触摸屏似乎校准得很好:

Section "InputClass"
    Identifier  "calibration"
    MatchProduct    "WCOM50C1:00 2D1F:5143"
    Option  "Calibration"   "41 25961 496 16806"
    Option  "SwapAxes"  "0"
