与安全启动相关的 apt-get 和 dpkg 问题

与安全启动相关的 apt-get 和 dpkg 问题

我最近在使用 Ubuntu 时遇到了一些问题。每当我尝试执行sudo apt get某些操作(在本例中为 python 3)时,我都会收到错误消息:dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem


Configuring Secure Boot ├────────────────────────┐
 │                                                                           │ 
 │ Your system has UEFI Secure Boot enabled.                                   
 │ UEFI Secure Boot requires additional configuration to work with             
 │ third-party drivers.                                                        
 │ The system will assist you in configuring UEFI Secure Boot. To permit       
 │ the use of third-party drivers, a new Machine-Owner Key (MOK) has been      
 │ generated. This key now needs to be enrolled in your system's firmware.     
 │ To ensure that this change is being made by you as an authorized user,      
 │ and not by an attacker, you must choose a password now and then confirm     
 │ the change after reboot using the same password, in both the "Enroll        
 │ MOK" and "Change Secure Boot state" menus that will be presented to you     
 │ when this system reboots.                  
If you proceed but do not confirm the password upon reboot, Ubuntu will     
 │ still be able to boot on your system but any hardware that requires         
 │ third-party drivers to work correctly may not be usable.                    
 │                                  <Ok>                       



选择OK。然后,系统将提示您设置密码。设置一个简单的密码,然后命令将完成。只需输入sudo reboot,这将重新启动您的笔记本电脑。在重新启动过程中,您将看到一个蓝屏,其中有一个选项,显示Enroll MOK。单击该选项上的 Enter 并输入您设置的密码。对选项执行相同操作Change Secure Boot state。然后,继续。您的计算机将正常重新启动。这是防止恶意软件和不是一个错误。
