我正在运行 Arch Linux。在最近的 Xorg 更新中,evdev 被 libinput 取代(默认情况下)。发生这种情况时,我丢失了用于使 TrackPoint 正常运行的 xinput 属性。具体来说,我依赖的属性是:
- 设备加速配置文件
- 设备加速恒定减速
- 设备加速自适应减速
- 设备加速速度缩放
我必须将系统恢复为使用 evdev。显然,这只是一个短期解决方案。
如何在 libinput 中设置 TrackPoint 的加速度和减速度?xinput list-props
是否还有其他人使用带有最新 xorg-server 和 libinput 的 TrackPoint,并且还使用自定义加速和减速值?
这些是基于 evdev 的属性,对我来说效果很好:
Device 'Synaptics Inc. Composite TouchPad / TrackPoint (Stick)':
Device Enabled (152): 1
Coordinate Transformation Matrix (154): 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
Device Accel Profile (276): 5
Device Accel Constant Deceleration (277): 3.700000
Device Accel Adaptive Deceleration (278): 4.700000
Device Accel Velocity Scaling (279): 60.000000
Device Product ID (271): 1739, 9
Device Node (272): "/dev/input/event7"
Evdev Axis Inversion (280): 0, 0
Evdev Axes Swap (282): 0
Axis Labels (283): "Rel X" (162), "Rel Y" (163)
Button Labels (284): "Button Left" (155), "Button Middle" (156), "Button Right" (157), "Button Wheel Up" (158), "Button Wheel Down" (159)
Evdev Scrolling Distance (285): 0, 0, 0
Evdev Middle Button Emulation (286): 0
Evdev Middle Button Timeout (287): 50
Evdev Third Button Emulation (288): 0
Evdev Third Button Emulation Timeout (289): 1000
Evdev Third Button Emulation Button (290): 3
Evdev Third Button Emulation Threshold (291): 20
Evdev Wheel Emulation (292): 1
Evdev Wheel Emulation Axes (293): 0, 0, 4, 5
Evdev Wheel Emulation Inertia (294): 10
Evdev Wheel Emulation Timeout (295): 200
Evdev Wheel Emulation Button (296): 2
Evdev Drag Lock Buttons (297): 0
我还用来xset m 5
问题是,如何使用 libinput 和最新的 xorg-server 复制这些设置?
您仍然可以将 evdev 与新内核和 x 服务器版本一起使用。
我使用的是 Debian 系统,但它的工作原理应该类似。我给出的链接是针对 Arch 的。
您需要安装xf86-输入-evdev来自 archlinux 'extra' 存储库。
您想要对特定设备使用 evdev。在我的 Thinkpad 上,我实际上更喜欢使用 libinput 来处理轨迹点,但更喜欢使用 evdev 来处理其他一切;话虽如此,我将向您展示设置为使用 evdev 时的轨迹点配置。
# Your Trackpoint evdev rules
Section "InputClass"libinput
Identifier "TrackPoint - force evdev"
Driver "evdev"
# Note: The actual trackpoint name can vary from system to system.
MatchProduct "Synaptics Inc. Composite TouchPad / TrackPoint (Stick)"
Option "AccelerationProfile" "5" # Power function
Option "ConstantDeceleration" "3.7"
Option "AdaptiveDeceleration" "4"
Option "VelocityScale" "60"
Option "EmulateWheel" "true"
Option "EmulateWheelButton" "2"
Option "EmulateWheelInertia" "10"
Option "EmulateWheelTimeout" "200"
Option "EmulateThirdButton" "false"
# Maybe this too?
# Option "YAxisMapping" "4 5"
# Can't find an option for middle button timeout, so that may have to be set using xinput afterwards like you're probably already doing.
# a device I want to use evdev for, but set all the properties of myself using xinput
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "MS Trackball Optical"
MatchProduct "Microsoft Microsoft Trackball Optical®"
Driver "evdev"