帮助在 Ubuntu 中安装 Hope

帮助在 Ubuntu 中安装 Hope

我对 ubuntu 操作系统还很陌生。如果有人能建议并解释安装 Hope 软件的命令,那将非常有帮助。手册提供了以下步骤:

I. 要安装希望,请按照下面所述的步骤操作。

1. To install hope, make a bin directory under your home
   directory. Suppose that the home directory is ~cad and
   the source code of hope is under the directory

2. Go to the directory hope.
   "cd ~cad/etg/hope".

3. To compile hope, type "make".
   An execution file "hope" will be created.

4. Copy or symbolically link hope to the directory ~cad/bin using
   "cp hope ~cad/bin" or
   "ln -s hope ~cad/bin/hope".

II. 在使用hope之前,每个用户都应该按照下面说明设置以下两个环境变量。

1. Set  your path (or PATH) environment variable to include
   ~cad/bin in your search path. This variable, in general,
   can be found in your ".cshrc" file. For example, the line

   set path = ( .... ~cad/bin)

   includes ~cad/bin to your search path.

2. Set the HOPE_MAN environment variable to indicate the
   directory hope, where the on-line manual of hope is
   located, using the setenv command as shown below.

   "setenv HOPE_MAN ~cad/etg/hope"

   If you use hope frequently, add the above command to your
   ".cshrc" file.



所有列出的命令都应在终端提示符下输入。按住 CTRL 和 ALT 键,然后按 T - 这将打开终端。每个命令都需要在末尾按 ENTER,这样才能执行它。

请注意,~cad上面的描述中可以直接用$USER- 替换,并且说明将直接起作用(通过该更改)。

因此"cd ~cad/etg/hope" 变成cd $USER/etg/hope

mkdir -p $USER/etg/hope

如果不存在 bin 目录,则创建它:
mkdir -p $USER/bin

cd; grep PATH .* 2>&1 | grep -vE 'dir|denied'


nano name_of_the_file

在 nano 运行时,屏幕底部将包含可按来访问功能的按键nano- 例如保存文件和退出 nano。

如果上面的“复杂命令”没有打印任何内容,则表示没有包含 PATH 的文件;然后输入:
echo >>.bashrc 'set PATH=$PATH:$USER/bin'

setenv HOPE_MAN $USER/etg/hope
... 将其添加到放置 PATH 的同一文件的末尾(在新行上),例如,
nano .bashrc
如果 PATH 最终到达那里,则使用 ... 。
