如何使用 bind 和 isc-dhcp-server 为 IPv6 配置动态 DNS

如何使用 bind 和 isc-dhcp-server 为 IPv6 配置动态 DNS

我在 VirtualBox 中创建了一台 ubuntu 14.04 LTS 机器,我可以通过 isc-dhcp-server 配置 IPv4 委派。然后按照此操作很棒的教程,我可以配置这样的机器,用连接到该网络的新机器的主机名和 IPv4 来更新 IPv4 DNS 区域。

我正在尝试做类似的事情,但针对的是 IPv6。我已经可以为网络中的新机器分配 IPv6 地址,但相应的区域不会使用这些主机名进行更新。



我找到了一些网站,并从中整合了信息,尝试解决同样的问题: https://blog.marquis.co/configuring-a-dual-stacked-dhcp-server/



我也在 Ubuntu 20.04 上执行了此操作,其中仅运行 DHCPv4。

  1. 复制/etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server/etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server6

  2. 复制/etc/default/isc-dhcp-server/etc/default/isc-dhcp-server6

    • 在 中/etc/default/isc-dhcp-server,取消注释DHCPDv4_CONFDHCPDv4_PID行并留空OPTIONS。将您的 IPv4 接口添加到INTERFACESv4
    • 在 中/etc/default/isc-dhcp-server6,取消注释DHCPDv6_CONFDHCPDv6_PID行并添加"-6"OPTIONS将您的 IPv6 接口添加到INTERFACESv6
  3. 我在现有/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf文件中添加或删除了动态 DNS 选项:

    #ddns-update-style standard; # removed for dual stack
    dns-update-style interim; # added for dual stack
    ddns-dual-stack-mixed-mode true; # added for dual stack
    update-conflict-detection true; # added for dual stack
    update-optimization true; # added for dual stack
    allow client-updates; # added for dual stack
    ddns-domainname "exampledomain.local"; # added for dual stack
  4. 以下是示例/etc/dhcp/dhcpd6.conf文件:

    # Server configuration file example for DHCPv6
    # Global options
    option domain-name "exampledomain.local";
    # Global definitions for name server address(es)
    option dhcp6.name-servers fde3:abcd:1234:5678::30;
    # IPv6 address valid lifetime
    #  (at the end the address is no longer usable by the client)
    #  (set to 30 days, the usual IPv6 default)
    # changed to 1/2 hour for testing
    default-lease-time 1800;
    # IPv6 address preferred lifetime
    #  (at the end the address is deprecated, i.e., the client should use
    #   other addresses for new connections)
    #  (set to 7 days, the  usual IPv6 default)
    preferred-lifetime 450;
    # T1, the delay before Renew
    #  (default is 1/2 preferred lifetime)
    #  (set to 1 hour)
    option dhcp-renewal-time 225;
    # T2, the delay before Rebind (if Renews failed)
    #  (default is 3/4 preferred lifetime)
    #  (set to 2 hours)
    option dhcp-rebinding-time 335;
    # Enable RFC 5007 support (same than for DHCPv4)
    allow leasequery;
    # Set preference to 255 (maximum) in order to avoid waiting for
    # additional servers when there is only one
    option dhcp6.preference 255;
    # The delay before information-request refresh
    #  (minimum is 10 minutes, maximum one day, default is to not refresh)
    #  (set to 6 hours)
    option dhcp6.info-refresh-time 3600;
    #DDNS config
    ddns-update-style standard;
    ddns-dual-stack-mixed-mode true;
    update-conflict-detection true;
    ddns-domainname "exampledomain.local";
    # If this DHCP server is the official DHCP server for the local
    # network, the authoritative directive should be uncommented.
    # keys so DHCP can dynamicaly update dns
    include "/etc/dhcp/rndc-keys/rndc.key";
    # zones to dynamically update
    zone exampledomain.local. {  
      primary6 fde3:abcd:1234:5678::30;  
      key rndc-key;  
    zone {  
      primary6 fde3:abcd:1234:5678::30;  
      key rndc-key;  
    # The subnet where the server is attached
    #  (i.e., the server has an address in this subnet)
    subnet6 fde3:abcd:1234:5678::/64 {
        range6 fde3:abcd:1234:5678::31 fde3:abcd:1234:5678::50;
        option dhcp6.name-servers fde3:abcd:1234:5678::30;
        option domain-name "exampledomain.local";
  5. 对于现有的/etc/bind/named.conf.options,我将 IPv6 环回和接口地址添加到我的acl条目中,并取消注释listen-on-v6 { <ipv6 dhcp server address>; ::1; };

  6. 对于现有的/etc/bind/named.conf.local,我添加了 IPv6 的反向查找区域。

  7. 我为 IPv6 反向查找区域创建了 db 文件。还可以根据需求编辑现有 db 文件。为避免因区域不同步而导致的错误,请从中删除.jnl文件/var/lib/bind并重新启动绑定。(感谢https://serverfault.com/questions/874175/unable-to-add-forward-map-servfail获得该提示)

  8. 完成上述步骤后,运行sudo service --status-all命令时输出应包括[ - ] isc-dhcp-server6。重新启动 DHCP(sudo systemctl restart isc-dhcp-server.service)和 DNS(sudo systemctl restart bind9.service)。启动 DHCPv6(sudo systemctl start isc-dhcp-server6.service)。

这为我的 DHCP 和 DHCPv6 提供了两个独立的服务。我还不确定它的效果如何,因为我正在使用它来测试 IPv6 设备。也许有一种更简洁的方法来做到这一点,但我希望它能有所帮助。

我注意到 IPv6 DNS 查询中出现了 ICMP 端口不可访问消息,因此我运行了sudo ufw allow Bind9。目前我的 DHCPv6 服务器正在发出租约,但并未动态更新 DNS。此外,/etc/bind/named.conf.options我必须删除特定的 IPv6 地址并将listen-on-v6主机恢复为 { any; }
