

我有一台只有一个显示器的计算机 - 这些是规格:

Ubuntu 15.04 - 32 位
处理器 Intel® Pentium(R) 双 CPU E2180 @ 2.00GHz × 2  
显卡英特尔® G33 x86/MMX/SSE2
$ lspci-v| grep -i vga
00:02.0 VGA 兼容控制器:英特尔公司 82G33/G31 Express 集成图形控制器(rev 10)(prog-if 00 [VGA 控制器])
# lshw -class display
       产品:82G33/G31 Express 集成图形控制器
       物理 ID:2
       宽度:32 位
       功能:msi pm vga_controller bus_master cap_list rom
       配置:驱动程序=i915 延迟=0
       资源:irq:28 内存:feb00000-feb7ffff ioport:e140(size=8)内存:d0000000-dfffffff 内存:fe900000-fe9fffff
$ xrandr
屏幕 0:最小 8 x 8,当前 1024 x 768,最大 32767 x 32767
VGA1 连接主 1024x768+0+0(正常左反转右 x 轴 y 轴)0mm x 0mm
   1024x768 60.0*
   800x600 60.3 56.2  
   848x480 60.0  
   640x480 59.9  
VIRTUAL1 断开(正常左反转右 x 轴 y 轴)
$ sudo xrandr --newmode "1680x1050_60.00" 146.25 1680 1784 1960 2240 1050 1053 1059 1089 -hsync +vsync
$ sudo xrandr --addmode VGA1 1680x1050_60.00
$ xrandr

屏幕 0:最小 8 x 8,当前 1680 x 1050,最大 32767 x 32767
VGA1 连接主 1680x1050+0+0(正常左反转右 x 轴 y 轴)0mm x 0mm

   1680x1050 60.0*+
   1024x768 60.0  
   800x600 60.3 56.2  
   848x480 60.0  
   640x480 59.9  
   1680x1050_60.00 60.0  

VIRTUAL1 断开(正常左反转右 x 轴 y 轴)


$ sudo reboot


No se pudo aplicar la configuración almacenada para los monitores
none of the selected modes were compatible with the possible modes:
Trying modes for CRTC 63 CRTC 63:
trying mode 1024x768@60Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 0)
CRTC 63: trying mode 800x600@60Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 0)
CRTC 63: trying mode 800x600@56Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 0)
CRTC 63: trying mode 848x480@60Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 0)
CRTC 63: trying mode 640x480@60Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 0)
CRTC 63: trying mode 1024x768@60Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 1)
CRTC 63: trying mode 800x600@60Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 1)
CRTC 63: trying mode 800x600@56Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 1)
CRTC 63: trying mode 848x480@60Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 1)
CRTC 63: trying mode 640x480@60Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 1)
Trying modes for CRTC 64
CRTC 64: trying mode 1024x768@60Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 0)
CRTC 64: trying mode 800x600@60Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 0)
CRTC 64: trying mode 800x600@56Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 0)
CRTC 64: trying mode 848x480@60Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 0)
CRTC 64: trying mode 640x480@60Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 0)
CRTC 64: trying mode 1024x768@60Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 1)
CRTC 64: trying mode 800x600@60Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 1)
CRTC 64: trying mode 800x600@56Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 1)
CRTC 64: trying mode 848x480@60Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 1)
CRTC 64: trying mode 640x480@60Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 1)
Trying modes for CRTC 65
CRTC 65: trying mode 1024x768@60Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 0)
CRTC 65: trying mode 800x600@60Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 0)
CRTC 65: trying mode 800x600@56Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 0)
CRTC 65: trying mode 848x480@60Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 0)
CRTC 65: trying mode 640x480@60Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 0)
CRTC 65: trying mode 1024x768@60Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 1)
CRTC 65: trying mode 800x600@60Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 1)
CRTC 65: trying mode 800x600@56Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 1)
CRTC 65: trying mode 848x480@60Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 1)
CRTC 65: trying mode 640x480@60Hz with output at 1680x1050@60Hz (pass 1)



  • xrandr.sh例如,创建一个 bash 脚本,并将 xrandr 命令放入其中:
/bin/bash #!/bin/bash
xrandr --newmode “1680x1050_60.00” 146.25 1680 1784 1960 2240 1050 1053 1059 1089 -hsync +vsync
xrandr --addmode VGA1 1680x1050_60.00
xrandr --输出 VGA1 --模式 1680x1050_60.00
  • 使用以下命令使脚本可执行chmod +x xrandr.sh

  • 在仪表板中搜索“启动应用程序”,运行它,并将脚本添加为启动应用程序。

