将文件 B 与 A 进行比较,并使用 awk、sed 或 grep 从 A 中提取数据

将文件 B 与 A 进行比较,并使用 awk、sed 或 grep 从 A 中提取数据

我有两个文件,其中文件 A 包含所有数据,而另一个文件 B 只包含 ID,我想要的是将文件 B 与文件 A 进行比较并检索该 id 中存在的数据。我正在使用 Suse Linux。


C    02020 Two-component system [PATH:aap02020]
D      NT05HA_1798 sensor protein CpxA  
D      NT05HA_1797 CpxR K07662 cpxR
C    02030 *Bacterial chemotaxis* [PATH:aap02030]
D      NT05HA_0919 maltose-binding periplasmic protein
D      NT05HA_0918 maltose-binding periplasmic protein 
C    03070 *Bacterial secretion system* [PATH:aap03070]
D      NT05HA_1309 protein-export membrane protein SecD 
D      NT05HA_1310 protein-export membrane protein SecF 
D      NT05HA_1819 preprotein translocase subunit SecE
D      NT05HA_1287 protein-export membrane protein  
C    02060 Phosphotransferase system (PTS) [PATH:aap02060]
D      NT05HA_0618 phosphoenolpyruvate-protein 
D      NT05HA_0617 phosphocarrier protein HPr 
D      NT05HA_0619 pts system 


Bacterial chemotaxis
Bacterial secretion system


C    02030 *Bacterial chemotaxis* [PATH:aap02030]
D      NT05HA_0919 maltose-binding periplasmic protein
D      NT05HA_0918 maltose-binding periplasmic protein 
C    03070 *Bacterial secretion system* [PATH:aap03070]
D      NT05HA_1309 protein-export membrane protein SecD
D      NT05HA_1310 protein-export membrane protein SecF
D      NT05HA_1819 preprotein translocase subunit SecE  
D      NT05HA_1287 protein-export membrane protein  



awk 'NR==FNR{         # On the first file,
       a[$0];         # store the content in the array a
     {                        # On the second file, 
         for(i in a)          # for all element in the array a,
            if(index($0,i)) { # check if there is match in the current record
               print "C" $0   # in that case print it with the record separator
     }' fileB RS='\nC' fileA
C    02030 *Bacterial chemotaxis* [PATH:aap02030]
D      NT05HA_0919 maltose-binding periplasmic protein
D      NT05HA_0918 maltose-binding periplasmic protein 
C    03070 *Bacterial secretion system* [PATH:aap03070]
D      NT05HA_1309 protein-export membrane protein SecD 
D      NT05HA_1310 protein-export membrane protein SecF 
D      NT05HA_1819 preprotein translocase subunit SecE
D      NT05HA_1287 protein-export membrane protein  


C <word>如果您想完全匹配 和之间的部分[PATH:...](并假设*样本中的部分只是为了强调而不是实际数据的一部分),您可以这样做:

awk '
  !start {all_strings[$0]; next}
  /^C/ {
    key = $0

    # strip the leading C <word>:
    sub(/^C[[:blank:]]+[^[:blank:]]+[[:blank:]]*/, "", key)

    # strip the trailing [...]:
    sub(/[[:blank:]]*\[[^]]*][[:blank:]]*$/, "", key)
    selected = key in all_strings
  selected' fileB start=1 fileA

除了增加可靠性之外(例如,Bacterial secretion仅匹配一条Bacterial secretion记录,而不匹配Bacterial secretion system),它也非常高效,因为文件仅读取一次,并且匹配仅是一次哈希表查找,而不是许多子字符串搜索或正则表达式匹配。




while read -r line; do
        sed -n "/$line/,/^C/p" fileA | sed '$d'
        done < fileB


C    02030 *Bacterial chemotaxis* [PATH:aap02030]
D      NT05HA_0919 maltose-binding periplasmic protein
D      NT05HA_0918 maltose-binding periplasmic protein 
C    03070 *Bacterial secretion system* [PATH:aap03070]
D      NT05HA_1309 protein-export membrane protein SecD 
D      NT05HA_1310 protein-export membrane protein SecF 
D      NT05HA_1819 preprotein translocase subunit SecE
D      NT05HA_1287 protein-export membrane protein  



sed -n "/$line/,/^C/p" fileA | sed '$d'

打印$line以字母 开头的行和下一行之间的行C,但排除 ( sed '$d') 最后一行,因为它仅用作“停止标记”。

sed --version
sed (GNU sed) 4.2.2

bash --version
GNU bash, version 4.2.46(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)


中的数据fileA被分成以C新行开始的记录。每条记录都分为以D新行开头的 inte 字段。


while read -r query; do
    awk -vq="$query" 'BEGIN { RS="^C|\nC"; FS=OFS="\nD" } $1 ~ q {print "C" $0}' fileA
done <fileB

我将记录分隔符 ( RS) 设置为匹配C行开头的任一位置或者在换行符之后,否则我们可能无法正确匹配第一个记录中的任何内容。我使用awk变量q来保存从文件中读取的值,并将每个记录的第一个字段与该值相匹配。


C    02030 *Bacterial chemotaxis* [PATH:aap02030]
D      NT05HA_0919 maltose-binding periplasmic protein
D      NT05HA_0918 maltose-binding periplasmic protein
C    03070 *Bacterial secretion system* [PATH:aap03070]
D      NT05HA_1309 protein-export membrane protein SecD
D      NT05HA_1310 protein-export membrane protein SecF
D      NT05HA_1819 preprotein translocase subunit SecE
D      NT05HA_1287 protein-export membrane protein
