升级至 22.04 后,触摸板不再反转,日志中出现设备、Glib 和内核错误

升级至 22.04 后,触摸板不再反转,日志中出现设备、Glib 和内核错误

昨天,我将我的 Dell XPS 15 升级到了 22.04。升级后,即使打开触摸板,触摸板也不会再使用自然滚动。启动后,我在日志中看到以下错误。似乎检测触摸板时出现问题,也许是使用了某些通用驱动程序,导致了此问题?如果有人能提供其他错误的信息,我们将不胜感激。如果它们可能相关,请作为一个问题发布。

21:08:38 gdm-session-wor: GLib-GObject: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
21:08:37 gnome-session-b: GLib-CRITICAL: g_hash_table_foreach_remove_or_steal: assertion 'version == hash_table->version' failed
21:08:29 systemd: Failed to start Application launched by gnome-session-binary.
21:08:25 gdm-session-wor: gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file
21:08:16 systemd-udevd: vboxnetctl: /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/60-virtualbox-dkms.rules:3 Only network interfaces can be renamed, ignoring NAME="vboxnetctl".
21:08:14 gnome-session-b: GLib-GIO-CRITICAL: g_bus_get_sync: assertion 'error == NULL || *error == NULL' failed
21:08:10 systemd: Failed to start LSB: Automatically mounts the lernstick exchange partition.
21:08:09 kernel: 
21:08:08 kernel: psmouse serio1: synaptics: Unable to query device: -5
21:08:08 kernel: ACPI Error: AE_ALREADY_EXISTS, During name lookup/catalog (20210730/psobject-220)
