像在 Total Commander 中一样将文件名/文件路径复制到 Krusader 中的剪贴板

像在 Total Commander 中一样将文件名/文件路径复制到 Krusader 中的剪贴板

如何配置文件管理器Krusader来复制所选文件/目录的名称或完整路径Total Commander

相关问题:在 Krusader 文件管理器中选择/复制当前目录的快捷方式


Krusader-> Useractions->Manage User Actions...


Identifier: Copy Names
Title: &Copy Names
Command: %_Clipboard("%aList("Selected", "\n", "Yes", "", "No")%")%
Shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + N

Identifier: Copy Paths
Title: &Copy Paths
Command: %_Clipboard("%aList("Selected", "\n", "", "", "No")%")%
Shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + P

Krusader-> Settings->Configure Keyboard Shortcuts...

Remove duplicated Ctrl + Alt + P shortcut from 'Play/Pause Job' action
or user other shortcut.

要检查配置,请选择多个文件/目录。按Ctrl + Alt + N复制到剪贴板名称,Ctrl + Alt + P按 复制路径。

命令配置描述来自Krusader 用户操作

List - replaced by a list of all <first parameter>
    Parameter: Which items; either “All”, “Selected”, “Files” or “Dirs”
    Parameter (optional): Separator between the items. Default: “ ”
    Parameter (optional): Omit the current path. Default: no
    Parameter (optional): Filtermask (for all but “Selected”).
                          Default: *
    Parameter (optional): Automatic escape spaces. Default: yes
Select - manipulates the selection in a panel
    Parameter: Filtermask
    Parameter (optional): manipulate in which way; either “Set”,
                          “Add” or “Remove”. Default: “Set”
Clipboard - manipulates the clipboard
    Parameter: The text that should go to the clipboard 
               (you may want to use “%aCurrent%” here)
    Parameter (optional): Append the text to the current content
                          of the clipboard with this separator        

