如何像使用 jpegtran 一样优化整个文件夹?

如何像使用 jpegtran 一样优化整个文件夹?

回到 Windows,我会使用 jpegtran 程序来处理文件夹中的所有图像。

但是,Ubuntu 中似乎没有带有 UI 的应用程序可以执行相同的任务。显然,我应该从终端执行此操作,但我不知道如何执行无损批处理操作。所有教程都提到了裁剪等,但我不需要这些操作。





此外,如果您需要jpegtran,您可以在软件包中找到它libjpeg-turbo-progs。它具有其 Windows 对应版本的所有优化功能,但您必须通过命令行使用它,坦率地说,使用起来相当麻烦。


cd /path/with/jpgs
find . -exec jpegtran -optimize -outfile "{}.opti.jpg" "{}" \;




$ sudo apt-get install jpegoptim
$ cd /directory/with/my/jpgs
$ jpegoptim *.jpg
19112008152.jpg 2592x1944 24bit Exif IPTC  [OK] 654743 --> 624552 bytes (4.61%), optimized.
19112008153.jpg 1944x2592 24bit Exif  [OK] 516927 --> 503801 bytes (2.54%), optimized.
19112008154.jpg 2592x1944 24bit Exif IPTC  [OK] 943392 --> 911266 bytes (3.41%), optimized.
19112008155.jpg 2592x1944 24bit Exif IPTC  [OK] 919962 --> 894754 bytes (2.74%), optimized.
19112008156.jpg 2592x1944 24bit Exif  [OK] 869388 --> 836059 bytes (3.83%), optimized.
19112008157.jpg 2592x1944 24bit Exif  [OK] 815169 --> 787316 bytes (3.42%), optimized.
19112008158.jpg 2592x1944 24bit Exif IPTC  [OK] 481438 --> 445175 bytes (7.53%), optimized.
19112008159.jpg 2592x1944 24bit Exif  [OK] 686519 --> 660520 bytes (3.79%), optimized.
19112008160.jpg 2592x1944 24bit Exif  [OK] 326367 --> 287568 bytes (11.89%), optimized.
19112008161.jpg 1944x2592 24bit Exif  [OK] 331862 --> 295984 bytes (10.81%), optimized.


jpegoptim v1.2.3  Copyright (c) Timo Kokkonen, 1996-2009.
Usage: jpegoptim [options] <filenames> 

  -d<path>, --dest=<path>
                  specify alternative destination directory for 
                  optimized files (default is to overwrite originals)
  -f, --force     force optimization
  -h, --help      display this help and exit
  -m[0..100], --max=[0..100] 
                  set maximum image quality factor (disables lossless
                  optimization mode, which is by default on)
  -n, --noaction  don't really optimize files, just print results
  -o, --overwrite overwrite target file even if it exists
  -p, --preserve  preserve file timestamps
  -q, --quiet     quiet mode
  -t, --totals    print totals after processing all files
  -v, --verbose   enable verbose mode (positively chatty)
  -V, --version   print program version

  --strip-all     strip all (Comment & Exif) markers from output file
  --strip-com     strip Comment markers from output file
  --strip-exif    strip Exif markers from output file
  --strip-iptc    strip IPTC markers from output file
  --strip-icc     strip ICC profile markers from output file
