安装 imapsync 时出错

安装 imapsync 时出错

我在安装 Imapsync 时遇到此错误

perl -c imapsync || { echo; echo "Read the INSTALL file to solve Perl module dependencies!"; exit 1; }
Can't locate IO/Tee.pm in @INC (you may need to install the IO::Tee module) (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.18.2 /usr/local/share/perl/5.18.2 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.18 /usr/share/perl/5.18 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at imapsync line 591.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at imapsync line 591.

Read the INSTALL file to solve Perl module dependencies!
make: *** [testp] Fout 1



imapsync在 16.04 Xenial 上(全新/基本安装)执行以下操作:

 sudo apt-get install libio-tee-perl
 sudo apt-get install libmail-imapclient-perl
 sudo apt-get install libterm-readkey-perl
 sudo apt-get install libunicode-string-perl

 ## The rest is optional I believe:

 sudo apt-get install libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl
 sudo apt-get install libauthen-ntlm-perl
 sudo apt-get install libdata-uniqid-perl
 sudo apt-get install libjson-perl
 sudo apt-get install liblwp-online-perl

 ## For Xenial/16.04 I could not locate these packages nor would 'cpan'
 ## work for me - but you could try (as user running imapsync):
 cpan install JSON::WebToken
 cpan install Filesys::DfPortable


 ./imapsync --dry --host1 localhost --user1 1@localhost --password1 1 --host2 localhost --user2 2@localhost --password2 2


Modules version list:
Mail::IMAPClient     3.38
IO::Socket           1.38
IO::Socket::IP       0.37
IO::Socket::INET     1.35
IO::Socket::SSL      2.024
Net::SSLeay          1.72
Compress::Zlib       2.068
Digest::MD5          2.54
Digest::HMAC_MD5     1.01
Digest::HMAC_SHA1    1.03
Term::ReadKey        2.33
File::Spec           3.56
Time::HiRes          1.9726
Unicode::String      2.09
IO::Tee              0.64
File::Copy::Recursive 0.38
Authen::NTLM         1.09
URI::Escape          3.31
Data::Uniqid         0.12
JSON                 2.90
JSON::WebToken       ?
Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA  0.28
LWP                  6.15
HTML::Entities       3.69
Filesys::DfPortable  ?

我可以确认 imap sync 在使用 TLS 的 14.04/16.04 Dovecot 系统上使用上述软件包安装后可以正常工作。正如我所提到的,您可能只需要列出的前几个软件包就可以让它在基本层面上工作。所需的 perl 模块在 14.04 全新安装下应该基本相同。




sudo apt-get install libio-tee-perl


sudo apt-get install libunicode-string-perl
