我使用的是 14.04 ubuntu,默认视频播放器名为“Videos”,版本号为 3.10.1(似乎是“Totem”的改名,甚至较少的搜索引擎友好的名称。
Left arrow快退 15 秒
Right arrow快进 1 分钟
Shift+Left arrow向后跳过 5 秒
Shift+Right arrow快进 15 秒
Global keybindings for Totem:
a cycle between aspect ratios
p toggle between play and pause
Esc exit full screen mode
f toggle full screen
h toggle display of on-screen controls
0 resize window to 50% original size
1 resize window to 100% original size
2 resize window to 200% original size
r zoom in the video
t zoom out the video
d start and stop the telestrator (drawing) mode
e erase the drawing
Left-arrow skip back 15 seconds
Right-arrow skip forward 60 seconds
Shift+Left-arrow skip back 5 seconds
Shift+Right-arrow skip forward 15 seconds
Ctrl+Left-arrow skip back 3 minutes
Ctrl+Right arrow skip forward 10 minutes
Up-arrow increase volume by 8%
Down-arrow decrease volume by 8%
b jump back to previous chapter/movie in playlist
n jump to next chapter/movie in playlist
q quit
Ctrl+E eject the playing optical media
Ctrl+O open a new file
Ctrl+L open a new URI
F9 toggle display of the playlist
m show the DVD menu
c show the DVD chapter menu
您还可以在 Totems 帮助菜单中找到键盘快捷键的解释:
- 点击帮助>内容
- 紧迫F1