请帮助我找到以下问题的解决方案。我正在尝试在 Linux 中编写一个单行命令,它为我提供了下面的 Example.txt 文件的输出(附图) -
输入 - 示例.txt
11430.00 SH: gry to dk gry, firm to mod hd, plty, flk, ea to gt, abd LCM; SLTST: gry, sft to firm, amor to blky, slty to ea
11460.00 SH: gry to dk gry, firm to mod hd, plty, flk, ea to gt, abd LCM; SLTST: gry, sft to firm, amor to blky, slty to ea
11490.00 MRL: lt gry, mod hd, blky, occ flk, wxy; SH: gry to dk gry, firm to mod hd, plty, occ blky, ea to gt; SLTST: gry to dk gry, mod firm to firm, amor, blky, slty
11520.00 SH: gry to dk gry, firm to mod hd, plty, blky, ea to gt, tr MRL, occ LCM; SLTST: gry, occ brnsh rd, firm, amor to blky, ea to g
我使用了fmt -w 50 -u Example.txt > FMT_Output.txt
但没有生成所需的输出。我需要在所有行上添加空格/制表符,除了以数字开头的行(如“所需输出”下所示)。我也尝试使用sed 's/^/ /
DEEP Description
(ft) -
12370.0 LS: Mdst, blsh gry, sft, occ mod firm, crpxln, prly, arg, SLTST: blk, firm-mod hd, amor, gt, mod calc, CLST: lt gry-m gry, sft, amor, wxy
12400.0 LS: Mdst, blsh gry, mod firm, crpxln, chky, arg, SLTST: blk-dk gry, firm-mod hd, amor, gt, mod calc, CLST: lt gry-m gry, occ rdsh gry, mod firm, amor, wxy, tr CHK
12430.0 LS: Mdst, blsh gry, mod firm, crpxln, chky, arg, SLTST: blk-dk gry, firm-mod hd, amor, gt, mod calc, SH: blk-dk gry, mod firm, blky-plty, occ brit, wxy
12460.0 SH: blk-dk gry, mod firm, blky-plty, occ brit, ea, SLTST: blk-dk gry, firm-mod hd, amor, gt, mod calc, SST: gry-dk gry, wl consol, v f, ang, p srt, cotd, slily calc cmt, no fluor
(和 GNU sed
$ tr -s ' ' <file.in | awk '{ print $0, "\n" }' | par 50p8h | sed -r -e '/^$/d' -e 's/^ {8}/\t/'
11430.00 SH: gry to dk gry, firm to mod hd, plty,
flk, ea to gt, abd LCM; SLTST: gry, sft to
firm, amor to blky, slty to ea
11460.00 SH: gry to dk gry, firm to mod hd, plty,
flk, ea to gt, abd LCM; SLTST: gry, sft to
firm, amor to blky, slty to ea
11490.00 MRL: lt gry, mod hd, blky, occ flk, wxy;
SH: gry to dk gry, firm to mod hd, plty,
occ blky, ea to gt; SLTST: gry to dk gry,
mod firm to firm, amor, blky, slty
11520.00 SH: gry to dk gry, firm to mod hd, plty,
blky, ea to gt, tr MRL, occ LCM; SLTST:
gry, occ brnsh rd, firm, amor to blky, ea
to g
tr -s ' '
将多个连续的空格压缩为一个。- 该
代码只是向每行输入添加一个额外的换行符。 par 50p8h
将生成的文本设置为 50 个字符的宽度,并带有 8 个字符的悬挂缩进。- 这些
表达式删除空行并用单个制表符替换行开头的 8 个空格。
对于不使用 GNU 的解决方案,您必须在最后一个表达式sed
对于使用空格作为缩进并将左侧悬挂缩进与屏幕截图中完全相同的解决方案(9 个空格):
$ tr -s ' ' <file | awk '{ print $0, "\n" }' | par 50p9h | sed -e '/^$/d'
11430.00 SH: gry to dk gry, firm to mod hd, plty,
flk, ea to gt, abd LCM; SLTST: gry, sft
to firm, amor to blky, slty to ea
11460.00 SH: gry to dk gry, firm to mod hd, plty,
flk, ea to gt, abd LCM; SLTST: gry, sft
to firm, amor to blky, slty to ea
11490.00 MRL: lt gry, mod hd, blky, occ flk, wxy;
SH: gry to dk gry, firm to mod hd, plty,
occ blky, ea to gt; SLTST: gry to dk gry,
mod firm to firm, amor, blky, slty
11520.00 SH: gry to dk gry, firm to mod hd, plty,
blky, ea to gt, tr MRL, occ LCM; SLTST:
gry, occ brnsh rd, firm, amor to blky, ea
to g
11430.00 SH: gry to dk gry, firm to mod hd, plty,
flk, ea to gt, abd LCM; SLTST: gry, sft
to firm, amor to blky, slty to ea
11460.00 SH: gry to dk gry, firm to mod hd, plty,
flk, ea to gt, abd LCM; SLTST: gry, sft
to firm, amor to blky, slty to ea
11490.00 MRL: lt gry, mod hd, blky, occ flk, wxy;
SH: gry to dk gry, firm to mod hd, plty,
occ blky, ea to gt; SLTST: gry to dk gry,
mod firm to firm, amor, blky, slty
11520.00 SH: gry to dk gry, firm to mod hd, plty,
blky, ea to gt, tr MRL, occ LCM; SLTST:
gry, occ brnsh rd, firm, amor to blky, ea
to g
11430.00 SH: gry to dk gry, firm to mod hd, plty,
flk, ea to gt, abd LCM; SLTST: gry,
sft to firm, amor to blky, slty to ea
11460.00 SH: gry to dk gry, firm to mod hd, plty,
flk, ea to gt, abd LCM; SLTST: gry,
sft to firm, amor to blky, slty to ea
11490.00 MRL: lt gry, mod hd, blky, occ flk, wxy;
SH: gry to dk gry, firm to mod hd, plty,
occ blky, ea to gt; SLTST: gry to dk
gry, mod firm to firm, amor, blky, slty
11520.00 SH: gry to dk gry, firm to mod
hd, plty, blky, ea to gt, tr MRL,
occ LCM; SLTST: gry, occ brnsh
rd, firm, amor to blky, ea to g
大多数 Unices 上的大多数包管理器都可以提供它,但您也可以在以下位置找到它的源代码(以便自己编译)http://www.nicemice.net/par/
$ tr -s ' ' <file.in | awk '{ print $0, "\n" }' | fmt -w 50 |
awk '/^[^0-9]/ { $0 = " " $0 }
{ print }' | fmt -w 50 | sed '/^$/d'
11430.00 SH: gry to dk gry, firm to mod hd, plty,
flk, ea to gt, abd LCM; SLTST: gry, sft
to firm, amor to blky, slty to ea
11460.00 SH: gry to dk gry, firm to mod hd, plty,
flk, ea to gt, abd LCM; SLTST: gry, sft
to firm, amor to blky, slty to ea
11490.00 MRL: lt gry, mod hd, blky, occ flk, wxy;
SH: gry to dk gry, firm to mod hd, plty,
occ blky, ea to gt; SLTST: gry to dk gry,
mod firm to firm, amor, blky, slty
11520.00 SH: gry to dk gry, firm to mod hd, plty,
blky, ea to gt, tr MRL, occ LCM; SLTST:
gry, occ brnsh rd, firm, amor to blky, ea
to g
tr -s ' '
, 像之前一样。awk '{ print $0, "\n" }'
, 像之前一样。- 第一个
调用 (fmt -w 50
) 的作用是将每个段落的第一行调整为正确的宽度(50 个字符)。 - 该
脚本会将不以数字开头的每一行缩进 9 个空格。 - 第二次
调用会将整个文本格式化为 50 个字符,但现在缩进的行将保持缩进。 - 该