ntpd --version 的输出

ntpd --version 的输出

在我的 ubuntu 12.04 中

#ntpd --version
ntpd [email protected] Wed Mar  2 06:23:51 UTC 2016 (5)




我猜这(5)与协调世界时 (UTC) 值有关。也许是与 UTC 的时差,在本例中是 +5 小时?到目前为止,我找不到相关文档。

似乎数字(5)代表 makefile 执行的次数(谢谢@沙拉特·曼查拉)。

版本样式如下,仅用于证明我对 UTC 日期的猜测。

NTP uses A.B.C - style release numbers.

At the moment:

 A is 4, for ntp V4.
 B is the major release number.
 C is the minor release number.  Even numbers are 'stable' releases and
 odd numbers are "development" releases.

Following the release number may be the letter 'p' followed by a number.
This indicates a point (or patch) release.

Release candidates have -RC in the release number.

Here are some recent versions numbers as an example:

 4.2.2      A production release (from the ntp-stable repository)
 4.2.2p2    A production release (from the ntp-stable repository)
 4.2.3p12   A development release
 4.2.3p15-rc1   A release candidate for 4.2.4
