我正在寻找砖块、礼物等艺术品的所在位置,这样如果我想制作自己的私人砖块等,我就可以做到。我知道如何构建 kbreakout,但我似乎找不到游戏物品艺术品的位置。
Breakout 主题是:/usr/share/kde4/apps/kbreakout/themes/ 或者如果你有源:.../kbreakout/themes/
svgz 内部(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SVG) 图片。
apt-cache show inkscape
Description: vector-based drawing program
Inkscape loads and saves a subset of the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
format, a standard maintained by the WWW consortium.
Inkscape user interface should be familiar from CorelDraw and similar
drawing programs. There are rectangles, ellipses, text items, bitmap
images and freehand curves.
As an added bonus, both vector and bitmap objects can have alpha
transparency and can be arbitrarily transformed.
Inkscape supports multiple opened files and multiple views per file.
Graphics can be printed and exported to png bitmaps.
Some of the import and export features are provided using the packages
dia, libwmf-bin, pstoedit, skencil, imagemagick, and perlmagick.
Other extensions use ruby, libxml-xql-perl, python-numpy, and python-lxml.
You must have these packages to make full use of all extensions and effects.
If you want to use the spellchecker, you have to install aspell and the
respective language-pack, e.g. aspell-en or aspell-de.
Homepage: http://www.inkscape.org/