无法更改 mate 桌面背景

无法更改 mate 桌面背景

我正在使用 MATE 桌面 1.16.1 运行 Debian Stretch。由于我已经更新了软件包,mate-settings-daemon因此无法更改背景,它显示了用于登录屏幕的壁纸。我尝试通过控制中心 -> 外观 -> 背景以通常的方式更改它,但是当我选择新壁纸时没有任何反应。我也尝试过更改一些配置,dconf editor但再次没有成功。
以下是我的系统中有关 MATE 桌面的软件包:

ii  atril                                 1.16.1-2                          amd64        MATE document viewer
ii  atril-common                          1.16.1-2                          all          MATE document viewer (common files)
ii  caja                                  1.16.2-2                          amd64        file manager for the MATE desktop
ii  caja-common                           1.16.2-2                          all          file manager for the MATE desktop (common files)
ii  compiz-mate                           1:     amd64        OpenGL window and compositing manager - MATE integration
ii  debian-mate-default-settings          1.16.1-1                          all          Default settings for MATE on Debian
ii  engrampa                              1.16.0-2                          amd64        archive manager for MATE
ii  engrampa-common                       1.16.0-2                          all          archive manager for MATE (common files)
ii  eom                                   1.16.0-2                          amd64        Eye of MATE graphics viewer program
ii  eom-common                            1.16.0-2                          all          Eye of MATE graphics viewer program (common files)
ii  gir1.2-mate-panel                     1.16.2-1                          amd64        GObject introspection data for MATE panel
ii  libamd2:amd64                         1:4.5.4-1                         amd64        approximate minimum degree ordering library for sparse matrices
ii  libatrildocument3                     1.16.1-2                          amd64        MATE document rendering library
ii  libatrilview3                         1.16.1-2                          amd64        MATE document viewing library
ii  libcamd2:amd64                        1:4.5.4-1                         amd64        symmetric approximate minimum degree library for sparse matrices
ii  libccolamd2:amd64                     1:4.5.4-1                         amd64        constrained column approximate library for sparse matrices
ii  libcolamd2:amd64                      1:4.5.4-1                         amd64        column approximate minimum degree ordering library for sparse matrices
ii  libmate-desktop-2-17:amd64            1.16.1-1                          amd64        Library with common API for various MATE modules (library)
ii  libmate-menu2:amd64                   1.16.0-2                          amd64        implementation of the freedesktop menu specification for MATE (library)
ii  libmate-panel-applet-4-1              1.16.2-1                          amd64        library for MATE Panel applets
ii  libmate-sensors-applet-plugin0        1.16.1-1                          amd64        Library for plugins for the mate-sensors-applet package
ii  libmate-slab0:amd64                   1.16.1-1                          amd64        beautification app library
ii  libmate-window-settings1:amd64        1.16.1-1                          amd64        utilities to configure the MATE desktop (window settings library)
ii  libmatedict6                          1.16.0-1                          amd64        MATE desktop utilities (matedict library)
ii  libmatekbd-common                     1.16.0-2                          all          MATE library to manage keyboard configuration (common files)
ii  libmatekbd4:amd64                     1.16.0-2                          amd64        MATE library to manage keyboard configuration
ii  libmatemixer-common                   1.16.0-2                          all          Mixer library for MATE Desktop (common files)
ii  libmatemixer0:amd64                   1.16.0-2                          amd64        Mixer library for MATE Desktop
ii  libmateweather-common                 1.16.1-2                          all          MateWeather shared library (common files)
ii  libmateweather1:amd64                 1.16.1-2                          amd64        MateWeather shared library
ii  marco                                 1.16.0-1                          amd64        lightweight GTK+ window manager for MATE
ii  marco-common                          1.16.0-1                          all          lightweight GTK+ window manager for MATE (common files)
ii  mate-applet-brisk-menu                0.3.5-0ubuntu1                    amd64        Solus Project's Brisk Menu MATE Panel Applet
ii  mate-applet-topmenu                   0.3-1                             amd64        Topmenu applet for the MATE panel
ii  mate-applets                          1.16.0-1                          amd64        Various applets for the MATE panel
ii  mate-applets-common                   1.16.0-1                          all          Various applets for the MATE panel (common files)
ii  mate-backgrounds                      1.16.0-1                          all          Set of backgrounds packaged with the MATE Desktop Environment
ii  mate-control-center                   1.16.1-1                          amd64        utilities to configure the MATE desktop
ii  mate-control-center-common            1.16.1-1                          all          utilities to configure the MATE desktop (common files)
ii  mate-desktop                          1.16.1-1                          amd64        Library with common API for various MATE modules
ii  mate-desktop-common                   1.16.1-1                          all          Library with common API for various MATE modules (common files)
ii  mate-desktop-environment              1.16.0+1                          all          MATE Desktop Environment (metapackage)
ii  mate-desktop-environment-core         1.16.0+1                          all          MATE Desktop Environment (essential components, metapackage)
ii  mate-desktop-environment-extras       1.16.0+1                          all          MATE Desktop Environment (extra components, metapackage)
ii  mate-icon-theme                       1.16.2-1                          all          MATE Desktop icon theme
ii  mate-icon-theme-faenza                1.16.0+dfsg1-2                    all          MATE Faenza Desktop icon theme
ii  mate-indicator-applet                 1.16.0-1                          amd64        MATE panel indicator applet
ii  mate-indicator-applet-common          1.16.0-1                          all          MATE panel indicator applet (common files)
ii  mate-media                            1.16.0-1                          amd64        MATE media utilities
ii  mate-media-common                     1.16.0-1                          all          MATE media utilities (common files)
ii  mate-menu                             16.10.1-2                         all          Advanced MATE menu
ii  mate-menus                            1.16.0-2                          amd64        implementation of the freedesktop menu specification for MATE
ii  mate-notification-daemon              1.16.1-1                          amd64        daemon to display passive popup notifications
ii  mate-notification-daemon-common       1.16.1-1                          all          daemon to display passive popup notifications (common files)
ii  mate-panel                            1.16.2-1                          amd64        launcher and docking facility for MATE
ii  mate-panel-common                     1.16.2-1                          all          launcher and docking facility for MATE (common files)
ii  mate-polkit:amd64                     1.16.0-2                          amd64        MATE authentication agent for PolicyKit-1
ii  mate-polkit-common                    1.16.0-2                          amd64        MATE authentication agent for PolicyKit-1 (common files)
ii  mate-power-manager                    1.16.2-1                          amd64        power management tool for the MATE desktop
ii  mate-power-manager-common             1.16.2-1                          all          power management tool for the MATE desktop (common files)
ii  mate-screensaver                      1.16.1-1                          amd64        MATE screen saver and locker
ii  mate-screensaver-common               1.16.1-1                          all          MATE screen saver and locker (common files)
ii  mate-sensors-applet                   1.16.1-1                          amd64        Display readings from hardware sensors in your MATE panel
ii  mate-sensors-applet-common            1.16.1-1                          all          Display readings from hardware sensors in your MATE panel (common files)
ii  mate-session-manager                  1.16.1-1                          amd64        Session manager of the MATE desktop environment
ii  mate-settings-daemon                  1.16.2-1                          amd64        daemon handling the MATE session settings
ii  mate-settings-daemon-common           1.16.2-1                          all          daemon handling the MATE session settings (common files)
ii  mate-system-monitor                   1.16.0-2                          amd64        Process viewer and system resource monitor for MATE
ii  mate-system-monitor-common            1.16.0-2                          all          Process viewer and system resource monitor for MATE (common files)
ii  mate-terminal                         1.16.2-1                          amd64        MATE terminal emulator application
ii  mate-terminal-common                  1.16.2-1                          all          MATE terminal emulator application (common files)
ii  mate-themes                           3.22.6-1                          all          Official themes for the MATE desktop
ii  mate-tweak                            16.10.5-1                         all          MATE desktop tweak tool
ii  mate-user-guide                       1.16.0-1                          all          User documentation for MATE Desktop Environment
ii  mate-utils                            1.16.0-1                          amd64        MATE desktop utilities
ii  mate-utils-common                     1.16.0-1                          all          MATE desktop utilities (common files)
ii  mozo                                  1.16.0-1                          all          easy MATE menu editing tool
ii  pluma                                 1.16.1-1                          amd64        official text editor of the MATE desktop environment
ii  pluma-common                          1.16.1-1                          all          official text editor of the MATE desktop environment (common files)
ii  python-mate-menu                      1.16.0-2                          amd64        implementation of the freedesktop menu specification for MATE (Python bindings)
ii  task-mate-desktop                     3.39                              all          MATE



一个快速的解决方法可能是使用 feh:

feh --bg-scale <imagefile.jpg>




更改登录背景是通过更新替代方案(如果有人知道更好的方法,请告诉我)。作为 root 用户,您必须从命令行发出两个命令:

update-alternatives --install /usr/share/images/desktop-base/login-background.svg desktop-login-background /absolute/path/of/your/image 50
update-alternatives --set desktop-login-background /absolute/path/of/your/image


