是否有可以进入和退出 CLI 的实用程序?

是否有可以进入和退出 CLI 的实用程序?

假设我有一些服务器软件。我启动它,它在 stdin/stdout 上提供了一个接口,我可以在运行时使用它来输入命令。我希望能够通过 SSH 启动它,退出会话,然后返回并再次挂接到该 stdin/stdout 接口。

我在想一定有一个简单的命令,比如 nohup 或 &,可以让我做到这一点。有吗?



  1. tmux

     tmux is a terminal multiplexer: it enables a number of terminals to be
     created, accessed, and controlled from a single screen.  tmux may be
     detached from a screen and continue running in the background, then later
     When tmux is started it creates a new session with a single window and
     displays it on screen.  A status line at the bottom of the screen shows
     information on the current session and is used to enter interactive
     A session is a single collection of pseudo terminals under the management
     of tmux.  Each session has one or more windows linked to it.  A window
     occupies the entire screen and may be split into rectangular panes, each
     of which is a separate pseudo terminal (the pty(4) manual page documents
     the technical details of pseudo terminals).  Any number of tmux instances
     may connect to the same session, and any number of windows may be present
     in the same session.  Once all sessions are killed, tmux exits.
     Each session is persistent and will survive accidental disconnection
     (such as ssh(1) connection timeout) or intentional detaching (with the
     'C-b d' key strokes).  tmux may be reattached using:
           $ tmux attach
  2. screen

       Screen  is  a  full-screen  window  manager that multiplexes a physical
       terminal between  several  processes  (typically  interactive  shells).
       Each  virtual  terminal  provides the functions of a DEC VT100 terminal
       and, in addition, several control functions from the ISO 6429 (ECMA 48,
       ANSI X3.64) and ISO 2022 standards (e.g. insert/delete line and support
       for multiple character sets).  There is a scrollback history buffer for
       each virtual terminal and a copy-and-paste mechanism that allows moving
       text regions between windows.
       When screen is called, it creates a single window with a  shell  in  it
       (or  the  specified  command) and then gets out of your way so that you
       can use the program as you normally would.  Then, at any time, you  can
       create new (full-screen) windows with other programs in them (including
       more shells), kill existing windows,  view  a  list  of  windows,  turn
       output  logging  on  and off, copy-and-paste text between windows, view
       the scrollback history, switch between windows in whatever  manner  you
       wish,  etc.  All  windows  run their programs completely independent of
       each other. Programs continue to run when their window is currently not
       visible  and  even  when  the whole screen session is detached from the
       user's terminal.  When a program terminates, screen (per default) kills
       the  window  that  contained it.  If this window was in the foreground,
       the display switches to the previous window; if none are  left,  screen

这两个程序都允许您登录服务器、启动进程,然后注销并让其继续运行。当您想要检查时,您可以重新登录服务器并重新连接到正在运行的会话,tmux就像screen您从未离开过一样。您可以从 Ubuntu 存储库安装它们:

sudo apt-get install screen


sudo apt-get install tmux

您可以在我们的姊妹网站上找到有关比较这两个程序的精彩问答,Unix 和 Linux
