

我刚刚为 ubuntu gnome 终端安装了 solarized 配色方案。我已按照此教程. eval dircolors ~/.dircolor- 此命令会导致问题。当我使用此命令时,它会更改终端的配色方案ls。但如果我重新启动终端,配色方案就会改变。该命令有什么作用?我如何才能永久保留首选项?



$ cd gnome-terminal-colors-solarized
$ ./install.sh

This script will ask you which color scheme you want, and which Gnome Terminal profile to overwrite.

Please note that there is no uninstall option yet. If you do not wish to overwrite any of your profiles, you should create a new profile before you run this script. However, you can reset your colors to the Gnome default, by running:

    Gnome >= 3.8 dconf reset -f /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/
    Gnome < 3.8 gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/gnome-terminal

By default, it runs in the interactive mode, but it also can be run non-interactively, just feed it with the necessary options, see 'install.sh --help' for details.

Please select a color scheme:
1) dark
2) dark_alternative
3) light

#? 1

Please select a Gnome Terminal profile:
1) Standard

#? 1

You have selected:

  Scheme:  dark
  Profile: Standard (:4d4a684a-7388-40db-adf1-6ec6b6f9043d)

Are you sure you want to overwrite the selected profile?
(YES to continue)

(YES to continue) YES
Confirmation received -- applying settings

打开菜单EditProfile SettingsCheck your settings它看起来应该像这样(抱歉,屏幕截图中有德语单词)。

  • 法本公司方法颜色
  • 文字和背景颜色方法文字和背景颜色
  • 调色板方法调色板
  • 整合图式方法内置方案
  • 黑暗太阳光方法暗日照
  • 太阳辐射方法晒干

