无法将我的 Ubuntu touch 应用程序启动到我的 Aquaris e4.5

无法将我的 Ubuntu touch 应用程序启动到我的 Aquaris e4.5

我在 Ubuntu touch 上创建了一个读取条形码的简单应用程序。

它在桌面上运行得很好,但无法将它启动到我的 Aquaris E4.5 中


 Warning: Permanently added '[]:10000' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Sdk-Launcher> Executing:     /tmp/qfacts.nymeria_0.1_armhf.click
Sdk-Launcher> Force Install: False
Sdk-Launcher> Skip Uninstall:False
Sdk-Launcher> Launcher PID: 9544
Sdk-Launcher> Installing application .....
Transaction:    Installing files
Status:     Waiting in queue
Status:     Starting
Status:     Finished
Transaction:    Installing files
Status:     Waiting in queue
Status:     Waiting for authentication
Status:     Waiting in queue
Status:     Starting
Status:     Finished
Installed    qfacts.nymeria-0.1.armhf (installed:click,removable=1,app_name=QFacts)
Sdk-Launcher> Application installed successfully
Sdk-Launcher> AppId:                   qfacts.nymeria_QFacts_0.1
Sdk-Launcher> Architecture:            armhf
Sdk-Launcher> Application confined:    True
Sdk-Launcher> Communication directory: /home/phablet/.local/share/qfacts.nymeria/
Sdk-Launcher> Application started: 9679
Sdk-Launcher> Received a failed event
Sdk-Launcher> The Application exited, cleaning up
Sdk-Launcher> Finished 

我的智能手机处于开发者模式,通过 USB 连接。我不明白为什么我会收到failed event

源代码可以在这里找到: http://www.jeodrive.com/download/qfacts-tar/



这是因为我的模块的 .pro 没有正确声明。感谢 Chris Wayne (在 google+ 上) 帮助我检测到这个错误。
