在 14.04 上,我运行“openssl genrsa –aes256 -out server-sec.key 4096”,但只出现使用提示,这是什么问题?

在 14.04 上,我运行“openssl genrsa –aes256 -out server-sec.key 4096”,但只出现使用提示,这是什么问题?

我尝试生成服务器密钥,但无法在 Ubuntu 14.04 上执行此操作,也无法理解为什么它会抱怨使用情况。请帮忙。





$ openssl genrsa -aes256 -out server-sec.key 4096


$ openssl genrsa  -h
usage: genrsa [args] [numbits]
 -des            encrypt the generated key with DES in cbc mode
 -des3           encrypt the generated key with DES in ede cbc mode (168 bit key)
                 encrypt PEM output with cbc seed
 -aes128, -aes192, -aes256
                 encrypt PEM output with cbc aes
 -camellia128, -camellia192, -camellia256
                 encrypt PEM output with cbc camellia
 -out file       output the key to 'file
 -passout arg    output file pass phrase source
 -f4             use F4 (0x10001) for the E value
 -3              use 3 for the E value
 -engine e       use engine e, possibly a hardware device.
 -rand file:file:...
                 load the file (or the files in the directory) into
                 the random number generator
