如何在 wine 上安装 .NET framework v4.0.30319?

如何在 wine 上安装 .NET framework v4.0.30319?

我想安装 osu!,但是当你进入 PlayOnLinux 时它不起作用(出现错误消息并且什么也没有发生)。

然后,我跟着Youtube 上的这个视频

正如视频中显示的那样(2:44),我点击了在此虚拟驱动器中运行 .exe 文件然后我点击osu!install.exe然后我收到此消息:

要运行此应用程序,您必须首先安装以下版本之一的 .NET Framework:v4.0.30319



带有winetricks32 位 WINE 前缀。请记住,PlayOnLinux 为每个已安装的应用程序使用单独的 wine 前缀。因此,您必须使用你的 WINEPREFIX

sudo apt-get install winetricks
WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine32 winetricks dotnet40


Script is outdated and no longer works.



请尝试按照有关安装 Osu 的官方文档!在 winetricks 总部


我发现 4.03 指的是 dotnet40_kb2468871。我在玩 Video strip poker Girls 时也遇到了类似的问题。无法运行游戏,但安装了 dotnet patch 4.03。

解决方案 1:

从微软网站下载 NDP40-KB2468871-v2-x86.exe 和/或 NDP40-KB2468871-v2-x64.exe。然后使用 wineprefix 32 或 64 安装它们。它们将被安装。

解决方案 2:dotnet40_kb2468871 可通过 winetricks 获得。


I've instaleled KB2468871 to current wine-stable (wine-2.0.3) and seems to work fine for me.
Here are the steps:

Ensure that you are using 32-bit env (export WINEARCH=win32) and install dotnet40 via winetricks (winetricks dotnet40) in a fresh x86 wine.
Run NDP40-KB2468871-v2-x86.exe
The window shows an error message ("KB2468871v2 does not apply, or is blocked by another condition on your computer."). Keep this window open.
Copy the directory generated by the installer to a new directory (setup, for example). The directory exists directly under C:\. For example, if the directory's name is e0118ff86cf108d878 then do cp -a .wine/drive_c/e0118ff86cf108d878 .wine/drive_c/setup .
Close the installer's window.
Install the patch directly by msiexec.exe. Running wine .wine/drive_c/windows/system32/msiexec.exe /p C:\\setup\\NDP40-KB2468871.msp would suffice.
