cmake find_package boost 在 Debian Jessie 上失败

cmake find_package boost 在 Debian Jessie 上失败

我有一个自己编写的 C++ 应用程序,它使用 cmake 作为其构建工具。它CMakeLists.txt在 Debian 7 (Wheezy) 上运行得很好,但在 Debian 8 (Jessie) 上却不行,这让我发疯。特别是,cmake 找不到 boost 库。的相关部分CMakeLists.txt是:

#find_package( Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS system program_options date_time )
find_package( Boost REQUIRED )

message( "Boost include dir is ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}" )
message( "Boost library dir is ${Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS}" )
message( "Boost libraries ${Boost_LIBRARIES}" )


# make rebuild_cache
Running CMake to regenerate build system...
-- Boost version: 1.55.0
Boost include dir is /usr/include
Boost library dir is /usr/lib
Boost libraries 
RRDTool library found: TRUE
RRDTool include dir is: /usr/include
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /usr/local/src/lm50client

正如您所看到的,第四行输出为空(“Boost 库”之后没有库)。变量${Boost_LIBRARIES}为空。

如果我取消注释该行find_package( Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS system program_options date_time ),即如果我指定特定的库,则脚本会严重失败。

相同的脚本适用于带有 Boost 1.49 的 Debian Wheezy。我安装的库:

# aptitude search 'boost' 
i   libboost-all-dev                                                                                               - Boost C++ Libraries development files (ALL) (default version)                                                           
i A libboost-atomic-dev                                                                                            - atomic data types, operations, and memory ordering constraints (default version)                                        
i A libboost-atomic1.55-dev                                                                                        - atomic data types, operations, and memory ordering constraints                                                          
i A libboost-atomic1.55.0                                                                                          - atomic data types, operations, and memory ordering constraints                                                          
i A libboost-chrono-dev                                                                                            - C++ representation of time duration, time point, and clocks (default version)                                           
i A libboost-chrono1.55-dev                                                                                        - C++ representation of time duration, time point, and clocks                                                             
i A libboost-chrono1.55.0                                                                                          - C++ representation of time duration, time point, and clocks                                                             
i A libboost-context-dev                                                                                           - provides a sort of cooperative multitasking on a single thread (default version)                                        
i A libboost-context1.55-dev                                                                                       - provides a sort of cooperative multitasking on a single thread                                                          
i A libboost-context1.55.0                                                                                         - provides a sort of cooperative multitasking on a single thread                                                          
i A libboost-coroutine-dev                                                                                         - provides a sort of cooperative multitasking on a single thread (default version)                                        
i A libboost-coroutine1.55-dev                                                                                     - provides a sort of cooperative multitasking on a single thread                                                          
i A libboost-date-time-dev                                                                                         - set of date-time libraries based on generic programming concepts (default version)                                      
i A libboost-date-time1.55-dev                                                                                     - set of date-time libraries based on generic programming concepts                                                        
i A libboost-date-time1.55.0                                                                                       - set of date-time libraries based on generic programming concepts                                                        
p   libboost-dbg                                                                                                   - Boost C++ Libraries with debug symbols (default version)                                                                
i A libboost-dev                                                                                                   - Boost C++ Libraries development files (default version)                                                                 
p   libboost-doc                                                                                                   - libraries documentation (default version)                                                                     
i A libboost-exception-dev                                                                                         - library to help write exceptions and handlers (default version)                                                         
i A libboost-exception1.55-dev                                                                                     - library to help write exceptions and handlers                                                                           
i A libboost-filesystem-dev                                                                                        - filesystem operations (portable paths, iteration over directories, etc) in C++ (default version)                        
i A libboost-filesystem1.55-dev                                                                                    - filesystem operations (portable paths, iteration over directories, etc) in C++                                          
i A libboost-filesystem1.55.0                                                                                      - filesystem operations (portable paths, iteration over directories, etc) in C++                                          
p   libboost-geometry-utils-perl                                                                                   - Perl module providing bindings to the Boost Geometry library                                                            
i A libboost-graph-dev                                                                                             - generic graph components and algorithms in C++ (default version)                                                        
i A libboost-graph-parallel-dev                                                                                    - generic graph components and algorithms in C++ (default version)                                                        
i A libboost-graph-parallel1.55-dev                                                                                - generic graph components and algorithms in C++                                                                          
i A libboost-graph-parallel1.55.0                                                                                  - generic graph components and algorithms in C++                                                                          
i A libboost-graph1.55-dev                                                                                         - generic graph components and algorithms in C++                                                                          
i A libboost-graph1.55.0                                                                                           - generic graph components and algorithms in C++                                                                          
i A libboost-iostreams-dev                                                                                         - Boost.Iostreams Library development files (default version)                                                             
i A libboost-iostreams1.55-dev                                                                                     - Boost.Iostreams Library development files                                                                               
i A libboost-iostreams1.55.0                                                                                       - Boost.Iostreams Library                                                                                                 
i A libboost-locale-dev                                                                                            - C++ facilities for localization (default version)                                                                       
i A libboost-locale1.55-dev                                                                                        - C++ facilities for localization                                                                                         
i A libboost-locale1.55.0                                                                                          - C++ facilities for localization                                                                                         
i A libboost-log-dev                                                                                               - C++ logging library (default version)                                                                                   
i A libboost-log1.55-dev                                                                                           - C++ logging library                                                                                                     
i A libboost-log1.55.0                                                                                             - C++ logging library                                                                                                     
i A libboost-math-dev                                                                                              - Boost.Math Library development files (default version)                                                                  
i A libboost-math1.55-dev                                                                                          - Boost.Math Library development files                                                                                    
i A libboost-math1.55.0                                                                                            - Boost.Math Library                                                                                                      
i A libboost-mpi-dev                                                                                               - C++ interface to the Message Passing Interface (MPI) (default version)                                                  
i A libboost-mpi-python-dev                                                                                        - C++ interface to the Message Passing Interface (MPI), Python Bindings (default version)                                 
i A libboost-mpi-python1.55-dev                                                                                    - C++ interface to the Message Passing Interface (MPI), Python Bindings                                                   
i A libboost-mpi-python1.55.0                                                                                      - C++ interface to the Message Passing Interface (MPI), Python Bindings                                                   
i A libboost-mpi1.55-dev                                                                                           - C++ interface to the Message Passing Interface (MPI)                                                                    
i A libboost-mpi1.55.0                                                                                             - C++ interface to the Message Passing Interface (MPI)                                                                    
i A libboost-program-options-dev                                                                                   - program options library for C++ (default version)                                                                       
i A libboost-program-options1.55-dev                                                                               - program options library for C++                                                                                         
i A libboost-program-options1.55.0                                                                                 - program options library for C++                                                                                         
i A libboost-python-dev                                                                                            - Boost.Python Library development files (default version)                                                                
i A libboost-python1.55-dev                                                                                        - Boost.Python Library development files                                                                                  
i A libboost-python1.55.0                                                                                          - Boost.Python Library                                                                                                    
i A libboost-random-dev                                                                                            - Boost Random Number Library (default version)                                                                           
i A libboost-random1.55-dev                                                                                        - Boost Random Number Library                                                                                             
i A libboost-random1.55.0                                                                                          - Boost Random Number Library                                                                                             
i A libboost-regex-dev                                                                                             - regular expression library for C++ (default version)                                                                    
i A libboost-regex1.55-dev                                                                                         - regular expression library for C++                                                                                      
i A libboost-regex1.55.0                                                                                           - regular expression library for C++                                                                                      
i A libboost-serialization-dev                                                                                     - serialization library for C++ (default version)                                                                         
i A libboost-serialization1.55-dev                                                                                 - serialization library for C++                                                                                           
i A libboost-serialization1.55.0                                                                                   - serialization library for C++                                                                                           
i A libboost-signals-dev                                                                                           - managed signals and slots library for C++ (default version)                                                             
i A libboost-signals1.55-dev                                                                                       - managed signals and slots library for C++                                                                               
i A libboost-signals1.55.0                                                                                         - managed signals and slots library for C++                                                                               
i A libboost-system-dev                                                                                            - Operating system (e.g. diagnostics support) library (default version)                                                   
i A libboost-system1.55-dev                                                                                        - Operating system (e.g. diagnostics support) library                                                                     
i A libboost-system1.55.0                                                                                          - Operating system (e.g. diagnostics support) library                                                                     
i A libboost-test-dev                                                                                              - components for writing and executing test suites (default version)                                                      
i A libboost-test1.55-dev                                                                                          - components for writing and executing test suites                                                                        
i A libboost-test1.55.0                                                                                            - components for writing and executing test suites                                                                        
i A libboost-thread-dev                                                                                            - portable C++ multi-threading (default version)                                                                          
i A libboost-thread1.55-dev                                                                                        - portable C++ multi-threading                                                                                            
i A libboost-thread1.55.0                                                                                              - portable C++ multi-threading                                                                                            
i A libboost-timer-dev                                                                                             - C++ wall clock and CPU process timers (default version)                                                                 
i A libboost-timer1.55-dev                                                                                         - C++ wall clock and CPU process timers                                                                                   
i A libboost-timer1.55.0                                                                                           - C++ wall clock and CPU process timers                                                                                   
i A libboost-tools-dev                                                                                             - Boost C++ Libraries development tools (default version)                                                                 
i A libboost-wave-dev                                                                                              - C99/C++ preprocessor library (default version)                                                                          
i A libboost-wave1.55-dev                                                                                          - C99/C++ preprocessor library                                                                                            
i A libboost-wave1.55.0                                                                                            - C99/C++ preprocessor library                                                                                            
i   libboost1.55-all-dev                                                                                           - Boost C++ Libraries development files (ALL)                                                                             
p   libboost1.55-dbg                                                                                               - Boost C++ Libraries with debug symbols                                                                                  
i A libboost1.55-dev                                                                                               - Boost C++ Libraries development files                                                                                   
p   libboost1.55-doc                                                                                               - libraries documentation                                                                                       
i A libboost1.55-tools-dev                                                                                         - Boost C++ Libraries development tools                                                                                   
p   pianobooster                                                                                                   - learn the piano just by playing a game                                                                                  
p   pianobooster-dbg                                                                                               - learn the piano just by playing a game - debug                                                                          
p   shinken-mod-booster-nrpe                                                                                       - Shinken booster-nrpe module



我进一步缩小了问题范围。在 Debian 7 (Wheezy) 上我得到

# ls -lh /usr/lib/libboost_system*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 32K Feb  4  2013 libboost_system.a                                                                                                                                                                                    
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  17 Feb  4  2013 libboost_system-mt.a -> libboost_system.a                                                                                                                                                            
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  25 Feb  4  2013 ->                                                                                                                                                   
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  25 Feb  4  2013 ->                                                                                                                                                      
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 14K Feb  4  2013                                                                                                                                                                            

如果我在 Debian 8 (Jessie) 上做同样的事情,我得到

# ls -lh /usr/lib/libboost_system*
ls: cannot access /usr/lib/libboost_system*: No such file or directory

什么?!此外,在 Debian Wheezy 上我查找了提供 lib 的软件包

# dpkg -S /usr/lib/ 
libboost-system1.49.0: /usr/lib/

# dpkg -L libboost-system1.49.0

等效的,我怀疑libboost-system1.55.0在 Debian 8 (Jessie) 上提供对应的版本,但是

# dpkg -L libboost-system1.55.0

x86_64-linux-gnu我们看到 Debian 8 (Jessie) 将库放入另一个cmake 找不到它的子目录中。我想这就是问题的根源。但是,即使我手动设置BOOST_LIBRARYDIR以使 cmake 指向正确的目录,它也不起作用。而且,这不可能是正确的解决方案,因为修复所有构建脚本不可能是正确的。这一定是一些更广泛的通用问题。


我知道这是一个老问题,但是您是否尝试在 LD_LIBRARY_PATH 中设置 Boost 1.55 的路径?

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
