Openstack 横向安装失败

Openstack 横向安装失败


我一直到最后才必须发出:“sudo openstack-install” 它已经走了很远,但它卡在以下页面上:openstack 失败





PS 我不得不跳过第 2 点开头的一些文字,否则发布起来会太长。 pastebin 包含整个文件。


[INFO: 09-05 23:32:16, openstack-install:227] Starting OpenStack Installer v0.99.28
[INFO: 09-05 23:32:16, openstack-install:228] Start command: ['/usr/bin/openstack-install']
[INFO: 09-05 23:32:16, openstack-install:239] Creating juju directories: /home/[user]/.cloud-install/juju
[INFO: 09-05 23:32:19, openstack-install:295] Running Liberty release
[INFO: 09-05 23:32:32,] Performing an Autopilot install
[INFO: 09-05 23:32:32,] pollinate: sudo su - -c 'pollinate -q -r --curl-opts "-k --user-agent uoi/bb2f64a2-82d8-4196-b55b-1f42c0141c1b/IL"'
[DEBUG: 09-05 23:32:58,] Existing MAAS defined, doing a LDS installation with existing MAAS.
[DEBUG: 09-05 23:33:14,] ssh keys exist for this user, they will be used instead.
[DEBUG: 09-05 23:33:14,] Bootstrapping Juju: JUJU_HOME=/home/[user]/.cloud-install/juju juju  bootstrap 
[ERROR: 09-05 23:38:49,] Failed to get ip directly: [Errno -2] Name or service not known
[DEBUG: 09-05 23:38:51,] Finished MAAS step, now deploying Landscape.
[INFO: 09-06 00:27:05,] pollinate: sudo su - -c 'pollinate -q -r --curl-opts "-k --user-agent uoi/bb2f64a2-82d8-4196-b55b-1f42c0141c1b/ET"'
[ERROR: 09-06 00:27:05,] Problem deploying Landscape: {'err': "2016-09-05 23:39:04 
[DEBUG] deployer.cli: Using runtime GoEnvironment on maas\n2016-09-05 23:39:04 
[INFO] deployer.cli: Starting deployment of landscape-dense-maas\n2016-09-05 23:39:04 
[DEBUG] deployer.import: Getting charms...\n2016-09-05 23:39:04 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /home/[user]/.cloud-install/juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_haproxy-16\n2016-09-05 23:39:04 
[DEBUG] deployer.charm: Retrieving store charm cs:trusty/haproxy-16\n2016-09-05 23:39:04 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /home/[user]/.cloud-install/juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_landscape-server\n2016-09-05 23:39:04 
[DEBUG] deployer.charm: Retrieving store charm cs:trusty/landscape-server-15\n2016-09-05 23:39:04 
[DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /home/[user]/.cloud-install/juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_postgresql-40\n2016-09-05 23:39:04       
[DEBUG] deployer.charm: Retrieving store charm cs:trusty/postgresql-40\n2016-09-05 23:39:04 
[DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /home/[user]/.cloud-install/juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_rabbitmq-server-43\n2016-09-05 23:39:04     
[DEBUG] deployer.charm: Retrieving store charm cs:trusty/rabbitmq-server-43\n2016-09-05 23:39:05 
[DEBUG] deployer.deploy: Resolving configuration\n2016-09-05 23:39:05      
[DEBUG] deployer.env: Connecting to environment...\n2016-09-05 23:39:05    
[DEBUG] deployer.env: Connected to environment\n2016-09-05 23:39:05     
[INFO] deployer.import: Deploying services...\n2016-09-05 23:39:05         
[INFO] deployer.import:  Deploying service haproxy using cs:trusty/haproxy-16\n2016-09-05 23:39:05 [DEBUG] deployer.import:  Refetching status for placement deploys\n2016-09-05 23:39:14   
[DEBUG] deployer.import:  Setting annotations\n2016-09-05 23:39:15        
[INFO] deployer.import:  Deploying service landscape-server using cs:trusty/landscape-server\n2016-09-05 23:39:19 
[DEBUG] deployer.import:  Setting annotations\n2016-09-05 23:39:20 
[INFO] deployer.import:  Deploying service postgresql using cs:trusty/postgresql-40\n2016-09-05 23:39:25 
[DEBUG] deployer.import:  Setting annotations\n2016-09-05 23:39:25       
[INFO] deployer.import:  Deploying service rabbitmq-server using cs:trusty/rabbitmq-server-43\n2016-09-05 23:39:29 
[DEBUG] deployer.import:  Setting annotations\n2016-09-05 23:39:34  
[DEBUG] deployer.import: Adding units...\n2016-09-05 23:39:34 
[DEBUG] deployer.import:  Service 'haproxy' does not need any more units added.\n2016-09-05 23:39:34 [DEBUG] deployer.import:  Service 'landscape-server' does not need any more units added.\n2016-09-05 23:39:34 
[DEBUG] deployer.import:  Service 'postgresql' does not need any more units added.\n2016-09-05 23:39:34     
[DEBUG] deployer.import:  Service 'rabbitmq-server' does not need any more units added.\n2016-09-05 23:39:34 
[DEBUG] deployer.import: Waiting for units before adding relations\n2016-09-05 23:46:02     
[DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/0 change:pending\n2016-09-05 23:47:03 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/1 change:pending\n2016-09-05 23:48:03     
[DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/2 change:pending\n2016-09-05 23:49:11 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/3 change:pending\n2016-09-06 00:24:03 
[DEBUG] deployer.env: Connecting to environment...\n2016-09-06 00:24:04    
[DEBUG] deployer.env: Connected to environment\n2016-09-06 00:24:04  
[INFO] deployer.import: Adding relations...\n2016-09-06 00:24:04 
[INFO] deployer.import:  Adding relation landscape-server <-> rabbitmq-server\n2016-09-06 00:24:04 
[INFO] deployer.import:  Adding relation landscape-server <-> haproxy\n2016-09-06 00:24:04 
[INFO] deployer.import:  Adding relation landscape-server:db <-> postgresql:db-admin\n2016-09-06 00:24:05 
[DEBUG] deployer.import: Waiting for relation convergence 180s\n2016-09-06 00:27:05 
[ERROR] deployer.import: Reached deployment timeout.. exiting\n2016-09-06 00:27:05     
[INFO] deployer.cli: Deployment stopped. run time: 2881.35\n", 'output': '', 'status': 1}
[ERROR: 09-06 00:27:05,] A fatal error has occurred: Error deploying Landscape.

[ERROR: 09-06 00:27:05,] Error deploying Landscape.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.4/concurrent/futures/", line 54, in run
result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/controllers/install/", line 181, in do_install
File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/controllers/install/", line 319, in run
File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/controllers/install/", line 344, in deploy_landscape
File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/controllers/install/", line 385, in run_deployer
raise Exception("Error deploying Landscape.")
Exception: Error deploying Landscape.
[DEBUG: 09-06 00:27:05,] showing error view for: Error deploying Landscape.


2016-09-06 08:01:45 INFO juju.mongo open.go:125 dialled mongo successfully on address ""
2016-09-06 08:01:45 DEBUG juju.apiserver apiserver.go:262 <- [4] machine-0 {"RequestId":20,"Type":"Rsyslog","Request":"GetRsyslogConfig","Params":"'params redacted'"}
2016-09-06 08:01:45 DEBUG juju.apiserver apiserver.go:262 <- [4] machine-0 {"RequestId":21,"Type":"Provisioner","Version":1,"Request":"Life","Params":"'params redacted'"}
2016-09-06 08:01:45 DEBUG juju.apiserver apiserver.go:276 -> [4] machine-0 146.525279ms {"RequestId":13,"Response":"'body redacted'"} Machiner[""].Life
2016-09-06 08:01:45 DEBUG juju.apiserver apiserver.go:276 -> [4] machine-0 147.19989ms {"RequestId":14,"Response":"'body redacted'"} Reboot[""].WatchForRebootEvent
2016-09-06 08:01:45 INFO juju.mongo open.go:125 dialled mongo successfully on address ""
2016-09-06 08:01:45 INFO juju.mongo open.go:125 dialled mongo successfully on address ""
2016-09-06 08:01:45 INFO juju.mongo open.go:125 dialled mongo successfully on address ""
2016-09-06 08:01:45 INFO juju.mongo open.go:125 dialled mongo successfully on address ""
2016-09-06 08:01:45 DEBUG network.go:268 no lxc bridge addresses to filter for machine
2016-09-06 08:01:45 INFO juju.worker.machiner machiner.go:132 setting addresses for machine-0 to ["local-machine:" "local-cloud:" "local-machine:::1"]
2016-09-06 08:01:45 DEBUG juju.apiserver apiserver.go:276 -> [4] machine-0 136.703326ms {"RequestId":15,"Response":"'body redacted'"} Machiner[""].WatchAPIHostPorts
2016-09-06 08:01:45 INFO juju.mongo open.go:125 dialled mongo successfully on address ""
2016-09-06 08:01:45 DEBUG juju.apiserver apiserver.go:262 <- [4] machine-0 {"RequestId":22,"Type":"Machiner","Request":"SetMachineAddresses","Params":"'params redacted'"}
2016-09-06 08:01:45 DEBUG juju.apiserver apiserver.go:262 <- [4] machine-0 {"RequestId":23,"Type":"Reboot","Version":1,"Request":"GetRebootAction","Params":"'params redacted'"}
2016-09-06 08:01:45 DEBUG juju.apiserver apiserver.go:262 <- [4] machine-0 {"RequestId":24,"Type":"NotifyWatcher","Id":"3","Request":"Next","Params":"'params redacted'"}
2016-09-06 08:01:45 DEBUG juju.state open.go:57 connection established
2016-09-06 08:01:45 DEBUG juju.worker.peergrouper worker.go:432 found new machine "0"
2016-09-06 08:01:45 DEBUG juju.state open.go:64 mongodb login successful
2016-09-06 08:01:45 INFO juju.worker.diskmanager diskmanager.go:62 block devices changed: [{sda [/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:10.0-scsi-0:0:0:0]    scsi@32:0.0.0 25600  true } {sdb [/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:10.0-scsi-0:0:1:0]    scsi@32:0.1.0 25600  false }]
2016-09-06 08:01:46 DEBUG juju.apiserver apiserver.go:276 -> [4] machine-0 230.408525ms {"RequestId":16,"Response":"'body redacted'"} ProxyUpdater[""].WatchForProxyConfigAndAPIHostPortChanges
2016-09-06 08:01:46 INFO juju.mongo open.go:125 dialled mongo successfully on address ""
2016-09-06 08:01:46 INFO juju.mongo open.go:125 dialled mongo successfully on address ""
2016-09-06 08:01:46 DEBUG juju.apiserver apiserver.go:262 <- [4] machine-0 {"RequestId":25,"Type":"Machiner","Request":"APIHostPorts","Params":"'params redacted'"}
2016-09-06 08:01:46 DEBUG juju.apiserver apiserver.go:262 <- [4] machine-0 {"RequestId":26,"Type":"NotifyWatcher","Id":"4","Request":"Next","Params":"'params redacted'"}
2016-09-06 08:01:46 DEBUG juju.apiserver apiserver.go:262 <- [4] machine-0 {"RequestId":27,"Type":"DiskManager","Version":1,"Request":"SetMachineBlockDevices","Params":"'params redacted'"}
2016-09-06 08:01:46 INFO juju.mongo open.go:125 dialled mongo successfully on address ""
2016-09-06 08:01:46 DEBUG juju.apiserver apiserver.go:276 -> [4] machine-0 216.92964ms {"RequestId":21,"Response":"'body redacted'"} Provisioner[""].Life
2016-09-06 08:01:46 DEBUG juju.apiserver apiserver.go:262 <- [4] machine-0 {"RequestId":28,"Type":"ProxyUpdater","Version":1,"Request":"ProxyConfig","Params":"'params redacted'"}
2016-09-06 08:01:46 DEBUG juju.apiserver apiserver.go:262 <- [4] machine-0 {"RequestId":29,"Type":"NotifyWatcher","Id":"5","Request":"Next","Params":"'params redacted'"}
2016-09-06 08:01:46 INFO juju.cmd.jujud machine.go:1092 update apiserver worker with new certificate
2016-09-06 08:01:46 DEBUG juju.apiserver apiserver.go:276 -> [4] machine-0 37.154757ms {"RequestId":25,"Response":"'body redacted'"} Machiner[""].APIHostPorts
2016-09-06 08:01:46 DEBUG juju.apiserver apiserver.go:276 -> [4] machine-0 139.568869ms {"RequestId":23,"Response":"'body redacted'"} Reboot[""].GetRebootAction
2016-09-06 08:01:46 INFO juju.worker.certupdater certupdater.go:175 State Server cerificate addresses updated to ["" "anything" "juju-apiserver" "juju-mongodb" "localhost"]
2016-09-06 08:01:46 DEBUG juju.apiserver apiserver.go:262 <- [4] machine-0 {"RequestId":30,"Type":"Provisioner","Version":1,"Request":"SetSupportedContainers","Params":"'params redacted'"}
2016-09-06 08:01:46 INFO juju.apiserver apiserver.go:143 updating api server certificate
2016-09-06 08:01:46 INFO juju.apiserver apiserver.go:150 new certificate addresses:
2016-09-06 08:01:46 DEBUG network.go:268 no lxc bridge addresses to filter for machine
2016-09-06 08:01:46 INFO juju.agent agent.go:565 API server address details [["node2.maas:17070" ""]] written to agent config as [""]
2016-09-06 08:01:46 DEBUG juju.worker.reboot reboot.go:67 Reboot worker got action: noop
2016-09-06 08:01:46 DEBUG juju.apiserver apiserver.go:276 -> [4] machine-0 323.212726ms {"RequestId":17,"Response":"'body redacted'"} Logger[""].LoggingConfig
2016-09-06 08:01:46 DEBUG juju.apiserver apiserver.go:276 -> [4] machine-0 322.960531ms {"RequestId":19,"Response":"'body redacted'"} KeyUpdater[""].AuthorisedKeys
2016-09-06 08:01:46 DEBUG juju.apiserver apiserver.go:276 -> [4] machine-0 323.659437ms {"RequestId":18,"Response":"'body redacted'"} StorageProvisioner[""].WatchForEnvironConfigChanges
2016-09-06 08:01:46 DEBUG juju.apiserver apiserver.go:276 -> [4] machine-0 52.597332ms {"RequestId":28,"Response":"'body redacted'"} ProxyUpdater[""].ProxyConfig
2016-09-06 08:01:46 DEBUG juju.worker.logger logger.go:45 reconfiguring logging from "<root>=DEBUG" to "<root>=WARNING;unit=DEBUG"
2016-09-06 08:02:17 ERROR juju.state.unit unit.go:738 unit haproxy/0 cannot get assigned machine: unit "haproxy/0" is not assigned to a machine
2016-09-06 08:02:17 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:351 getting a public  address for unit "haproxy/0" failed: "unit haproxy/0 cannot get assigned machine: unit \"haproxy/0\" is not assigned to a machine"
2016-09-06 08:02:17 ERROR juju.state.unit unit.go:748 unit haproxy/0 cannot get assigned machine: unit "haproxy/0" is not assigned to a machine
2016-09-06 08:02:17 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:355 getting a private address for unit "haproxy/0" failed: "unit haproxy/0 cannot get assigned machine: unit \"haproxy/0\" is not assigned to a machine"
2016-09-06 08:02:22 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:351 getting a public address for unit "haproxy/0" failed: "public no address"
2016-09-06 08:02:22 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:355 getting a private address for unit "haproxy/0" failed: "private no address"
2016-09-06 08:02:22 ERROR juju.state.unit unit.go:738 unit landscape-server/0 cannot get assigned machine: unit "landscape-server/0" is not assigned to a machine
2016-09-06 08:02:22 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:351 getting a public address for unit "landscape-server/0" failed: "unit landscape-server/0 cannot get assigned machine: unit \"landscape-server/0\" is not assigned to a machine"
2016-09-06 08:02:22 ERROR juju.state.unit unit.go:748 unit landscape-server/0 cannot get assigned machine: unit "landscape-server/0" is not assigned to a machine
2016-09-06 08:02:22 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:355 getting a private address for unit "landscape-server/0" failed: "unit landscape-server/0 cannot get assigned machine: unit \"landscape-server/0\" is not assigned to a machine"
2016-09-06 08:02:27 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:351 getting a public address for unit "landscape-server/0" failed: "public no address"
2016-09-06 08:02:27 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:355 getting a private address for unit "landscape-server/0" failed: "private no address"
2016-09-06 08:02:27 ERROR juju.state.unit unit.go:738 unit postgresql/0 cannot get assigned machine: unit "postgresql/0" is not assigned to a machine
2016-09-06 08:02:27 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:351 getting a public address for unit "postgresql/0" failed: "unit postgresql/0 cannot get assigned machine: unit \"postgresql/0\" is not assigned to a machine"
2016-09-06 08:02:27 ERROR juju.state.unit unit.go:748 unit postgresql/0 cannot get assigned machine: unit "postgresql/0" is not assigned to a machine
2016-09-06 08:02:27 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:355 getting a private address for unit "postgresql/0" failed: "unit postgresql/0 cannot get assigned machine: unit \"postgresql/0\" is not assigned to a machine"
2016-09-06 08:02:32 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:351 getting a public address for unit "postgresql/0" failed: "public no address"
2016-09-06 08:02:32 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:355 getting a private address for unit "postgresql/0" failed: "private no address"
2016-09-06 08:02:32 ERROR juju.state.unit unit.go:738 unit rabbitmq-server/0 cannot get assigned machine: unit "rabbitmq-server/0" is not assigned to a machine
2016-09-06 08:02:32 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:351 getting a public address for unit "rabbitmq-server/0" failed: "unit rabbitmq-server/0 cannot get assigned machine: unit \"rabbitmq-server/0\" is not assigned to a machine"
2016-09-06 08:02:32 ERROR juju.state.unit unit.go:748 unit rabbitmq-server/0 cannot get assigned machine: unit "rabbitmq-server/0" is not assigned to a machine
2016-09-06 08:02:32 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:355 getting a private address for unit "rabbitmq-server/0" failed: "unit rabbitmq-server/0 cannot get assigned machine: unit \"rabbitmq-server/0\" is not assigned to a machine"
2016-09-06 08:02:37 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:351 getting a public address for unit "rabbitmq-server/0" failed: "public no address"
2016-09-06 08:02:37 WARNING juju.state allwatcher.go:355 getting a private address for unit "rabbitmq-server/0" failed: "private no address"
2016-09-06 16:16:56 WARNING juju.apiserver.client status.go:465 error fetching public address: "public no address"
2016-09-06 16:16:56 WARNING juju.apiserver.client status.go:465 error fetching public address: "public no address"
2016-09-06 16:16:56 WARNING juju.apiserver.client status.go:465 error fetching public address: "public no address"
2016-09-06 16:16:56 WARNING juju.apiserver.client status.go:465 error fetching public address: "public no address"
2016-09-06 16:16:56 WARNING juju.apiserver.client status.go:679 error fetching public address: public no address
2016-09-06 16:16:56 WARNING juju.apiserver.client status.go:679 error fetching public address: public no address
2016-09-06 16:16:56 WARNING juju.apiserver.client status.go:679 error fetching public address: public no address
2016-09-06 16:16:56 WARNING juju.apiserver.client status.go:679 error fetching public address: public no address


这并不一定意味着 openstack-install 或 Autopilot 存在问题。您需要做的是进行基本部署,juju bootstrap; juju deploy ubuntu并确保它与您当前的 maas 设置兼容。我听说您还使用局域网唤醒作为您的 bmc,这是众所周知的不可靠的。


我终于找到了问题的答案。我使用单个 VMware ESXI 服务器来运行节点和控制器。经过一些故障排除后,发现 JUJU 正在 LXC 中启动容器,但容器没有获得 IP 地址。当时还不清楚是 JUJU 还是 LXC 导致了这个问题。


不久前,我在 ESXi 中的 Ubuntu VM 上使用 lxc 时遇到了类似的问题。我的问题是 ESXi 中的虚拟交换机未处于混杂模式。这导致来自 lxc 容器的网络流量被丢弃。

在 VMware ESXI 中打开混杂模式后,容器确实获得了 IP 地址,并且 openstack 安装程序成功安装。
