高级电源管理 (APM)是操作系统可用于实施多种电源管理策略的 BIOS API(函数)。例如,它可用于暂停或使计算机处于待机状态。
-B Get/set Advanced Power Management feature, if the drive supports
it. A low value means aggressive power management and a high
value means better performance. Possible settings range from
values 1 through 127 (which permit spin-down), and values 128
through 254 (which do not permit spin-down). The highest degree
of power management is attained with a setting of 1, and the
highest I/O performance with a setting of 254. A value of 255
tells hdparm to disable Advanced Power Management altogether on
the drive (not all drives support disabling it, but most do).