如何在当前 Ubuntu 版本中使用 Mode_switch 和 xmodmap?

如何在当前 Ubuntu 版本中使用 Mode_switch 和 xmodmap?

多年来,我使用以下~/.Xmodmap文件来快速获取德语变音符号,例如,当我按下时,ALT_R + a我得到ä。与使用撰写键相比,这是一个不错的快捷方式:

keycode 108 = Mode_switch
keycode  38 = a A adiaeresis Adiaeresis adiaeresis Adiaeresis
keycode  30 = u U udiaeresis Udiaeresis udiaeresis Udiaeresis
keycode  32 = o O odiaeresis Odiaeresis odiaeresis Odiaeresis
keycode  39 = s S ssharp ssharp ssharp ssharp
keycode  20 = minus underscore endash endash endash endash
keycode  60 = period greater ellipsis ellipsis ellipsis ellipsis
keycode  61 = slash question emdash emdash emdash emdash

注意:我使用的是快乐黑客键盘,它没有ALT_GR键。keycode 108由右 ALT 键发送,Mode_switch通常与上面的第 2 和第 3 个值相对应。

从 17.10 开始,所有组合都只会产生警告声,不会发生其他任何事情。我在 Fedora 27 上也发现了同样的情况,所以也许这与新的陳小嶺设置和/或 Gnome Shell?

任何想法我怎样才能在当前情况下实现这一点Gnome 外壳设置?




partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "us-de" {

    // include all the definitions from us(basic), I just want to add to it

    include "us(basic)"
    name[Group1]= "English (US, with german umlauts)";

    // add german umlauts

    key <AC01> {    [     a,    A,  adiaeresis, Adiaeresis      ]   };
    key <AD07> {    [     u,    U,  udiaeresis, Udiaeresis      ]   };
    key <AD09> {    [     o,    O,  odiaeresis, Odiaeresis      ]   };
    key <AC02> {    [     s,    S,  ssharp,     ssharp          ]   };

    // and some other keys

    key <AE11> {    [     minus,    underscore, endash, endash  ]   };
    key <AB09> {    [    period,    greater,    ellipsis,   ellipsis    ]   };
    key <AB10> {    [     slash,    question,   emdash, emdash  ]   };

    // have ALT_R as level 3 switch

    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

并且有一个我可以选择设置 > 区域和语言,我在末尾添加了以下内容变体列表English (US)此 XML 文件中/usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev.xml

    <description>English (US, with german umlauts)</description>

之后sudo systemctl restart keyboard-setup.service我可以从中选择新的布局变体设置 > 区域和语言
