dd 中的‘bs’选项是什么?

dd 中的‘bs’选项是什么?

我在网上找到了一些相互矛盾的信息,比如bs命令中的dd bs=512 if=/home/Downloads/ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdb代表的是“每秒字节数”还是“块大小”。我在手册页中找不到任何内容,因为唯一的参考是bs


每次读取和写入最多 BYTES 字节


与其他 GNU Coreutils 实用程序一样,主要文档是info页面。

info coreutils dd invocation

     Set both input and output block sizes to BYTES.  This makes ‘dd’
     read and write BYTES per block, overriding any ‘ibs’ and ‘obs’
     settings.  In addition, if no data-transforming ‘conv’ option is
     specified, input is copied to the output as soon as it’s read, even
     if it is smaller than the block size.


     Set the input block size to BYTES.  This makes ‘dd’ read BYTES per
     block.  The default is 512 bytes.

     Set the output block size to BYTES.  This makes ‘dd’ write BYTES
     per block.  The default is 512 bytes.

     Set the conversion block size to BYTES.  When converting
     variable-length records to fixed-length ones (‘conv=block’) or the
     reverse (‘conv=unblock’), use BYTES as the fixed record length.
