

我正在寻找一种更好的方法来安全地清理 Ubuntu 系统中的可用空间。我发现此链接还有一些关于清除可用磁盘空间的宝贵建议。我尝试过free disk space启用选项的 bleachbit 方法。这种方法有两个问题,一个非常慢,另一个它会很快耗尽可用磁盘空间。

我每三天使用 bleachbit 清理一次系统,并free disk space禁用此功能。此过程每次使用平均会删除数千个文件,而且整个过程非常快。

这更像是一个理论问题;如果我在一个月内执行此清理过程,我大约会删除大约 10000 个文件/月。清理后我是否仍需要清除可用空间?我的想法是,当我删除一些文件时,将在其位置创建新文件。重复此过程时,新文件将覆盖已删除的文件,从而使文件恢复变得不可能。

我的想法正确吗?这可以被视为在 linux/ubuntu 系统中清除可用空间的安全方法吗?




  • 如果其他文件仍然存在,这些文件对于入侵者来说可能非常有趣。

  • 具有日志功能的现代文件系统通常会将信息存储在多个位置,在这种情况下,擦除用于文件的内存空间是不够的。

man shred

 CAUTION:  Note  that  shred relies on a very important assumption: that
 the file system overwrites data in place.  This is the traditional  way
 to  do  things, but many modern file system designs do not satisfy this
 assumption.  The following are examples of file systems on which  shred
 is not effective, or is not guaranteed to be effective in all file sys‐
 tem modes:

 * log-structured or journaled file systems, such as those supplied with
 AIX and Solaris (and JFS, ReiserFS, XFS, Ext3, etc.)

 * file  systems  that  write  redundant data and carry on even if some
 writes fail, such as RAID-based file systems

 * file systems that make snapshots, such  as  Network  Appliance's  NFS

 * file systems that cache in temporary locations, such as NFS version 3

 * compressed file systems

 In the case of ext3 file systems, the  above  disclaimer  applies  (and
 shred  is  thus  of  limited  effectiveness) only in data=journal mode,
 which journals file data in addition to just  metadata.   In  both  the
 data=ordered  (default) and data=writeback modes, shred works as usual.
 Ext3 journaling modes can  be  changed  by  adding  the  data=something
 option  to  the  mount  options  for  a  particular  file system in the
 /etc/fstab file, as documented in the mount man page (man mount).

 In addition, file system backups and remote mirrors may contain  copies
 of the file that cannot be removed, and that will allow a shredded file

 to be recovered later.






Ubuntu 的安装程序有一个选项“带加密的 LVM”,它使用 LUKS 加密根文件系统。这通常被称为“加密磁盘”。请参阅此链接,

安装(带有 lvm 和加密的整个磁盘)
