168.5GB 的系统日志文件不断填满“请输入 y 以接受,否则请输入 n...”

168.5GB 的系统日志文件不断填满“请输入 y 以接受,否则请输入 n...”

无论我删除什么,我的系统日志文件都会被填满。现在它已经达到 165GB。我跟踪了它,这是输出?哇:

Please type y to accept, n otherwise: Please type y to accept, n otherwise:
Please type y to accept, n otherwise: Please type y to accept, n otherwise:
Please type y to accept, n otherwise: Please type y to accept, n otherwise:
Please type y to accept, n otherwise: Please type y to accept, n otherwise:
Please type y to accept, n otherwise: Please type y to accept, n otherwise:
Please type y
May 24 07:12:57 Pat-PC gnome-session[1651]: to accept, n otherwise:
Please type y to accept, n otherwise: Please type y to accept, n otherwise:
Please type y to accept, n otherwise: Please type y to accept, n otherwise:
Please type y to accept, n otherwise: Please type y to accept, n otherwise:
Please type y to accept, n otherwise: Please type y to accept, n otherwise:
Please type y to accept, n otherwise: Please type y to accept, n otherwise:



您已将脚本或程序添加到启动过程中,该脚本或程序发出“ Please type y to accept, n otherwise:”消息,尝试(但失败)读取响应并再次提示。使用ps -ef和进行调查pstree -a -c -l -p -u 1651。终止提示过程并修复您的启动脚本。



$ sudo time grep -rnw --exclude-dir={boot,dev,lib,media,mnt,proc,root,run,sys,/tmp,tmpfs,var} '/' -e 'Please type y to accept, n otherwise'Binary file /home/rick/.mozilla/firefox/3vkvi6ov.default/sessionstore-backups/recovery.jsonlz4 matches
Binary file /home/rick/.mozilla/firefox/3vkvi6ov.default/sessionstore-backups/recovery.baklz4 matches
Binary file /home/rick/.mozilla/firefox/3vkvi6ov.default/places.sqlite matches
Binary file /home/rick/.mozilla/firefox/3vkvi6ov.default/places.sqlite-wal matches
10.24user 11.60system 0:50.74elapsed 43%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 15268maxresident)k
16205768inputs+0outputs (0major+4553minor)pagefaults 0swaps

