update-apt-xapian-index 上次运行是什么时候?

update-apt-xapian-index 上次运行是什么时候?



您需要的命令是axi-cache info。您可以查阅其手册页或内置帮助。

但主要的问题是它在 16.04 LTS、18.04 LTS 和更新版本上出现问题,因为错误 1612948。它返回的不是期望的输出,而是错误消息:

$ axi-cache 
No module named 'ConfigParser': only help functions are implemented, for the sake of help2man

引用 Brian Murray 的话对错误 1760608 的评论

Brian Murray (brian-murray) 于 2018-04-06 写道:#4

正确的解决方案是将 axi-info 中的导入修改为“来自 ConfigParser”为“来自 configparser”。如果有人创建了 debdiff,我很乐意赞助它。

所以我们可以使用我最初的提议对错误 1612948 的评论

sudo sed -i 's/from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser/from configparser import RawConfigParser/' /usr/bin/axi-cache

手动修补后它将工作(从 16.04 LTS 输出):

$ axi-cache --help
Usage: axi-cache [options] command [args]

Query the Apt Xapian index.

     axi-cache info      print information about the apt-xapian-index environment

$ axi-cache info
Main data directory: /var/lib/apt-xapian-index
Update timestamp: /var/lib/apt-xapian-index/update-timestamp (last updated: Fri Jun 15 01:33:15 2018)
Index location: /var/lib/apt-xapian-index/index (pointing to /var/cache/apt-xapian-index/index.1)
Documentation of index contents: /var/lib/apt-xapian-index/README
Documentation of available prefixes: /var/lib/apt-xapian-index/prefixes
Documentation of available values: /var/lib/apt-xapian-index/values
Plugin directory: /usr/share/apt-xapian-index/plugins
Plugin status:
  aliases         enabled, up to date (105 days, 3:48:59 older than index)
  app-install     enabled, up to date (1008 days, 14:58:48 older than index)
  apttags         enabled, needs indexing (9 days, 10:54:14.379738 newer than index)
  cataloged_time  enabled, needs indexing (9 days, 10:54:14.379738 newer than index)
  debtags         disabled
  descriptions    enabled, needs indexing (9 days, 10:54:14.379738 newer than index)
  relations       enabled, needs indexing (9 days, 10:54:14.379738 newer than index)
  sections        enabled, needs indexing (9 days, 10:54:14.379738 newer than index)
  sizes           enabled, needs indexing (9 days, 10:54:14.379738 newer than index)
  template        enabled, up to date
  translated-desc enabled, up to date (0:00:00 older than index)
  Value         Code Provided by
  app-popcon       3 app-install
  catalogedtime    4 cataloged_time
  installedsize    1 sizes
  packagesize      2 sizes
  version          0 update-apt-xapian-index
Data sources:
  Source                                           Description                                     Used by
  /usr/share/apt-xapian-index/aliases/popular-apps Aliases expanding names of popular applications aliases
  /usr/share/app-install/desktop/                  .desktop files provided by app-install-data     app-install
  /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin                      APT index                                       apttags, descriptions, relations, sections, sizes
  /var/lib/apt-xapian-index/cataloged_times.p      first-seen information for every package        cataloged_time

因此我们需要 Ubuntu 开发人员的回复和/或采取行动来应用这些修复。
