无法在 Ubuntu 18.04.1 上安装深度桌面环境

无法在 Ubuntu 18.04.1 上安装深度桌面环境

因此,根据说明,我已经添加了 ppa repo 并进行了更新。但是当我运行时:

# apt install dde
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 dde : Depends: dde-desktop but it is not going to be installed
       Depends: dde-polkit-agent but it is not going to be installed
       Depends: dde-dock but it is not going to be installed
       Depends: dde-launcher but it is not going to be installed
       Depends: dde-control-center (> 2.90.5) but it is not going to be installed
       Depends: dde-daemon but it is not going to be installed
       Depends: deepin-metacity but it is not going to be installed
       Depends: deepin-wm but it is not going to be installed
       Depends: startdde but it is not going to be installed
       Depends: dde-session-ui but it is not going to be installed
       Depends: deepin-notifications but it is not going to be installed
       Depends: deepin-menu but it is not going to be installed
       Depends: deepin-terminal but it is not going to be installed
       Depends: dde-calendar but it is not going to be installed
       Depends: deepin-system-monitor but it is not going to be installed
       Depends: deepin-image-viewer but it is not going to be installed
       Depends: deepin-screenshot but it is not going to be installed
       Recommends: deepin-deb-installer but it is not going to be installed
       Recommends: deepin-screen-recorder but it is not going to be installed
       Recommends: deepin-voice-recorder but it is not going to be installed
       Recommends: deepin-shortcut-viewer but it is not going to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.


编辑:我已经尝试过 aptitude 和 synaptic 方法。Aptitude 将我的依赖项减少了大约 2 个,而 synaptic 则说我需要先修复损坏的软件包。尝试命令时sudo dpkg -l | grep ^..r没有apt-mark showhold得到任何结果。

