在添加用于交叉编译的体系结构时,/usr/share/pkg-config-dpkghook 中的哈希分配中元素的数量是否为奇数?

在添加用于交叉编译的体系结构时,/usr/share/pkg-config-dpkghook 中的哈希分配中元素的数量是否为奇数?

有人建议我sudo dpkg --add-architecture armhf跑去添加交叉编译到我的运行 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 的 x86_64 盒子,但它似乎不起作用:

$ sudo dpkg --add-architecture armhf
[sudo] password for leeand00:
Odd number of elements in hash assignment at /usr/share/pkg-config-dpkghook line 30.

有问题的 dpkghook(perl 文件)如下所示:

#! /usr/bin/perl
# Sets up /usr/bin/*-pkg-config symlinks to point to the cross wrapper.
# It is called from dpkg --post-invoke and from postinst with the "update"
# argument to instate the necessary symlinks.
# It is called from prerm with the "remove" argument to remove all symlinks.

use strict;
use warnings;

use Dpkg::Arch qw(debarch_to_gnutriplet);
use Dpkg::ErrorHandling qw(error);

my $crosswrapper = "/usr/share/pkg-config-crosswrapper";

my $action = $ARGV[0];
error("parameter must be 'remove' or 'update'")
  unless defined $action && ($action eq "remove" || $action eq "update");

my $arch = `dpkg --print-architecture`;
error('dpkg --print-architecture failed') if $? >> 8;
my @architectures = `dpkg --print-foreign-architectures`;
error('dpkg --print-foreign-architectures failed') if $? >> 8;
push @architectures, $arch;
chomp @architectures;

my %gnutriplets = map { debarch_to_gnutriplet($_) => 1 } @architectures;

my %symlinks = map { $_ => 1 } </usr/bin/*-pkg-config>;

foreach my $symlink (keys %symlinks) {
  $symlink =~ m,^/usr/bin/([^-]+-[^-]+-[^-]+)-pkg-config, or next;
  next if exists $gnutriplets{$1} && $action eq "update";
  next unless -l $symlink;
  next unless readlink $symlink eq $crosswrapper;
  unlink $symlink or
    error("failed to remove symlink $symlink: $!");

if ($action eq 'update') {
  foreach (keys %gnutriplets) {
    my $linktarget = "/usr/bin/${_}-pkg-config";
    next if exists $symlinks{$linktarget};
    next if -e $linktarget;
    symlink $crosswrapper, $linktarget or
      error("failed to create symlink $linktarget to $crosswrapper: $!");

第 30 行如下所示:

my %gnutriplets = map { debarch_to_gnutriplet($_) => 1 } @architectures;

除了用于安装/状态/卸载包等基本功能之外,我不太了解 Ubuntu 中的包管理器dpkg,那么为什么我会看到这个错误以及如何修复它?


我遇到了同样的问题。我能够调试钩子脚本。在调试过程中,我发现我试图添加不受支持的架构,在我的情况下是 aarch64。


dpkg --print-foreign-architectures


sudo dpkg --remove-architecture aarch64

