撤消具有许多依赖项的 apt-get install

撤消具有许多依赖项的 apt-get install

我尝试了“apt-get install sagemath”,它开始下载大量依赖项。我很快就用完了磁盘空间,于是中断了该过程。我现在还剩下 300mb 的根空间,需要以某种方式撤消安装。当我尝试 apt-get purge sagemath 时,我收到以下错误“E:dpkg 被中断,您必须手动运行‘sudo dpkg --configure -a’来更正问题。”




sudo apt autoremove
sudo apt remove texlive-latex-base   
sudo apt remove maxima-sage maxima-sage-doc maxima-sage-share  
sudo apt remove octave  
sudo apt remove r-base-core  
sudo apt remove python-sympy python-scipy  
sudo apt remove python-flask python-flask-autoindex python-flask-babel python-flask-oldsessions python-flask-openid python-flask-silk    
sudo apt remove sagemath-database-conway-polynomials sagemath-database-elliptic-curves sagemath-database-graphs sagemath-database-mutually-combinatorial-designs sagemath-database-polytopes sagemath-doc-en sagemath-jupyter sagetex  
sudo apt remove sagemath # maybe you'll also have to run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem
sudo apt autoremove
