boor-resources 不起作用

boor-resources 不起作用

我有一个问题,我正在尝试在 MAAS 服务器的情况下使用启动资源,这是我的命令:

borek@local:/test$ maas local boot-resources create name="ubuntu1804" title="Custom 18.04" architecture="amd64/generic" content@=Ubuntu-Desktop


usage: maas local [-h] COMMAND ...

Issue commands to the MAAS region controller at $API.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit

drill down:
    devices           Manage the collection of all the devices in the MAAS.
    files             Manage the collection of all the files in this MAAS.
    machines          Manage the collection of all the machines in the MAAS.
    nodes             Manage the collection of all the nodes in the MAAS.
    rack-controllers  Manage the collection of all rack controllers in MAAS.
                      Manage the collection of all region controllers in MAAS.
    version           Information about this MAAS instance.

This is a profile.  Any commands you issue on this profile will
operate on the MAAS region server.

The command information you see here comes from the region server's
API; it may differ for different profiles.  If you believe the API may
have changed, use the command's 'refresh' sub-command to fetch the
latest version of this help information from the server.

argument COMMAND: invalid choice: 'boot-resources' (choose from 'devices', 'files', 'machines', 'nodes', 'rack-controllers', 'region-controllers', 'version')

