我最近安装了 Kubuntu 20.10,从昨天开始,每当我尝试从 Discover 中删除或安装某些东西时都会出现以下错误。
下面是我尝试从 Konsole 执行它时的输出。
swapnil@Kubuntu:~$ lsb_release -r
Release: 20.10
swapnil@Kubuntu:~$ uname -a
Linux Kubuntu 5.8.0-33-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 9 09:14:40 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
swapnil@Kubuntu:~$ plasma-discover
qrc:/qml/Feedback.qml:2:1: module "org.kde.userfeedback" is not installed
kf.newstuff.core: Your configuration file uses an old version of the kpackage support, and should be converted. Please report this to the author of the software you are currently using. The package type, we assume, is "Plasma/Theme"
kf.newstuff.core: Your configuration file uses an old version of the kpackage support, and should be converted. Please report this to the author of the software you are currently using. The package type, we assume, is "Plasma/LookAndFeel"
kf.newstuff.core: Your configuration file uses an old version of the kpackage support, and should be converted. Please report this to the author of the software you are currently using. The package type, we assume, is "KWin/Effect"
kf.newstuff.core: Your configuration file uses an old version of the kpackage support, and should be converted. Please report this to the author of the software you are currently using. The package type, we assume, is "KWin/WindowSwitcher"
kf.newstuff.core: Your configuration file uses an old version of the kpackage support, and should be converted. Please report this to the author of the software you are currently using. The package type, we assume, is "Plasma/Wallpaper"
invalid kns backend! "/usr/share/knsrcfiles/servicemenu.knsrc" because: "Config group not found! Check your KNS3 installation."
kf.newstuff.core: Your configuration file uses an old version of the kpackage support, and should be converted. Please report this to the author of the software you are currently using. The package type, we assume, is "Plasma/Comic"
kf.newstuff.core: Your configuration file uses an old version of the kpackage support, and should be converted. Please report this to the author of the software you are currently using. The package type, we assume, is "Plasma/LookAndFeel"
kf.newstuff.core: Your configuration file uses an old version of the kpackage support, and should be converted. Please report this to the author of the software you are currently using. The package type, we assume, is "KWin/Script"
invalid kns backend! "/usr/share/knsrcfiles/ksysguard.knsrc" because: "Config group not found! Check your KNS3 installation."
kf.newstuff.core: Your configuration file uses an old version of the kpackage support, and should be converted. Please report this to the author of the software you are currently using. The package type, we assume, is "Plasma/Applet"
adding empty sources model QStandardItemModel(0x5635b65df320)
QObject::connect(AbstractReviewsBackend, ResourcesModel): invalid nullptr parameter
org.kde.plasma.libdiscover: Couldn't find a category for "fwupd-backend"
file:///usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/org/kde/kirigami.2/private/globaltoolbar/PageRowGlobalToolBarUI.qml:49:9: QML PrivateActionToolButton: Binding loop detected for property "checkable"
Fwupd Error: Remote vendor-directory has no cache signature!
percentage cannot be calculated
percentage cannot be calculated
percentage cannot be calculated
percentage cannot be calculated
percentage cannot be calculated
percentage cannot be calculated
percentage cannot be calculated
percentage cannot be calculated
percentage cannot be calculated
PackageKit error: PackageKit::Transaction::ErrorNotAuthorized "You have no authorization to execute this operation" "Failed to obtain authentication."
我通过在 Konsole 上运行以下命令修复了这个问题。
killall chrome-remote-desktop-host
后来,我从 Synaptics 中完全删除了 chrome-remote-desktop 包。我认为,如果尝试从 Konsole 中删除,以下命令也应该有效。
sudo apt remove chrome-remote-desktop
我修好了!在终端中以 root 身份运行 discover:
sudo plasma-discover