如何在 Ubuntu 20.04 中运行安装 petalinux

如何在 Ubuntu 20.04 中运行安装 petalinux

我无法在 Ubuntu 20.04 中运行 petalinux 的安装。

abc@alpha:/scratch2/abc/Xilinx$ /petalinux-v2021.1-final-installer.run /scratch2/abc/Xilinx/Petalinux


-bash: /usr/bin/python: No such file or directory


abc@alpha:/scratch2/abc/Xilinx$ ls
Downloads       Petalinux                   petalinux-v2021.1-final-installer.run  Vitis      Vivado
DocNav  Model_Composer  Projects                               Vitis_HLS  xic

abc@alpha:/scratch2/abc/Xilinx$ ./petalinux-v2021.1-final-installer.run /scratch2/abc/Xilinx/Petalinux

ERROR: Invalid options: /scratch2/abc/Xilinx/Petalinux
PetaLinux installer.
  petalinux-v2021.1-final-installer.run [--log <LOGFILE>] [-d|--dir <INSTALL_DIR>] [options]
  --log <LOGFILE>               specify where the logfile should be created.
                                it will be petalinux_installation_log
                                in your working directory by default.
  -d|--dir [INSTALL_DIR]        specify the directory where you want to
                                install the tool kit. If not specified,
                                it will install to your working directory.
  -p|--platform <arch_name>     specify the architecture name.
                                aarch64         : sources for zynqMP and versal
                                arm             : sources for zynq
                                microblaze_lite : sources for microblaze_lite
                                microblaze_full : sources for microblaze_full
Install the tool in specified location:
 $ ./petalinux-v2021.1-final-installer.run -d/--dir <INSTALL_DIR>
To get only desired sources:
 $ ./petalinux-v2021.1-final-installer.run --dir <INSTALL_DIR>
        This will install the sources for all(zynq,zynqMP,versal,microblaze_lite,microblaze_full).

 $ ./petalinux-v2021.1-final-installer.run --dir <INSTALL_DIR> --platform "arm"
        This will install the sources for zynq only.

 $ ./petalinux-v2021.1-final-installer.run --dir <INSTALL_DIR> --platform "arm aarch64"
        This will install the sources for zynq,zynqMP and versal.

 $ ./petalinux-v2021.1-final-installer.run --dir <INSTALL_DIR> --platform "microblaze_lite microblaze_full"
        This will install the sources for microblaze_lite
Please refer to the PetaLinux Tools Installation Guide.


可能需要安装 Python3 符号链接(/usr/bin/python/usr/bin/python3) 经过

sudo apt-get install python-is-python3




步骤 1:创建虚拟机

Download, install and launch VirtualBox from here.
Create a new virtual machine using these options:
    Ubuntu 64-bit
    16 GB RAM (8GB minimum according to user guide)
    VirtualBox Disk Image
    Dynamic (resizable) hard disk
    200 GB size (the resulting VM will have about 113GB free after all of these installs so you can reduce this if you like)

我建议使用动态类型的硬盘,因为 Xilinx 工具占用大量空间,每个 BSP 占用几 GB,而且 PetaLinux 项目通常占用大量空间,因此很难确切知道最终需要多少空间。如果您使用固定大小的 HDD,则无法使用 VirtualBox 轻松更改它,所以我建议使用动态硬盘。

更多信息请访问 https://www.fpgadeveloper.com/how-to-install-petalinux-2020.1/
