VcXsrv 全屏

VcXsrv 全屏

我已经通过 wsl 在 Windows 上安装了 Ubuntu。我遵循了以下指南:

目前 GUI 正在框架中打开,但我想让它以全屏模式打开。我有可能做到吗?

VcXsrv 的屏幕截图 以下是启动 VcXsrv 的脚本:

' define variables
dim application_object, shell_object, userprofile, command_object, standard_output_string

' create application object
set application_object = createobject("shell.application")

' create shell object
set shell_object = createobject("")

' store environment variable
username = shell_object.expandenvironmentstrings("%username%")

' run powershell in the background
application_object.shellexecute "powershell", "-file c:\users\" & username & "\.ubuntu\scripts\reload_vcxsrv.ps1", "", "", 0

' wait for powershell script to complete
wscript.sleep 3000

' create command object
set command_object = shell_object.exec("wsl genie --is-in-bottle")

' store standard output
standard_output = command_object.stdout.readall

' execute contents if shell is inside the genie container
if instr(standard_output, "inside") > 0 then
  ' run bash script "bash /mnt/c/users/" & username & "/.ubuntu/scripts/", 0

' execute contents if shell is outside the genie container   
  ' run bash script "wsl genie -c bash /mnt/c/users/" & username & "/.ubuntu/scripts/", 0

end if


首先,这看起来不像是启动 VcXsrv 的脚本。根据您引用的博客文章,发现这里, 并且是:

# stop vcxsrv proccess that contains "0.0" in the program window title
get-process vcxsrv | where { $_.mainwindowtitle -like "*0.0*" } | stop-process

# start vcxsrv process in a large program window on display number one
start-process "c:\program files\vcxsrv\vcxsrv.exe" -argument ":0.0 -ac -nowgl -multimonitors -dpms"

第二,根据VcSrv 文档,命令行选项-fullscreen就是您正在寻找的。

