无法通过 Ubuntu 22.04 中的软件安装任何应用程序

无法通过 Ubuntu 22.04 中的软件安装任何应用程序

我是 Ubuntu 新手,在全新安装 Ubuntu 22.04 后,我发现无法通过以下方式安装任何程序Ubuntu 软件,然后我安装了软件(gnome-software)并尝试了一下,但面临同样的问题:


然后我尝试启动软件使用以下命令通过终端运行应用程序: gnome-software


12:52:12:0966 Gs  Only 0 apps for recent list, hiding
12:52:52:0967 Gs  not handling error failed for action get-popular: Get https://api.snapcraft.io/v2/snaps/find?architecture=amd64&category=featured&confinement=strict%2Cclassic&fields=base%2Cconfinement%2Ccontact%2Cdescription%2Cdownload%2Clicense%2Cprices%2Cprivate%2Cpublisher%2Crevision%2Csummary%2Ctitle%2Ctype%2Cversion%2Cwebsite%2Cstore-url%2Cmedia%2Ccommon-ids%2Cchannel: net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
12:52:52:0969 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/org.gnome.Builder.desktop/* to plugin cache
12:52:52:0969 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/org.gnome.Calculator.desktop/* to plugin cache
12:52:52:0969 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/org.gnome.clocks.desktop/* to plugin cache
12:52:52:0969 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/org.gnome.Dictionary.desktop/* to plugin cache
12:52:52:0969 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/org.gnome.Documents.desktop/* to plugin cache
12:52:52:0969 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/org.gnome.Evince/* to plugin cache
12:52:52:0969 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/org.gnome.gedit.desktop/* to plugin cache
12:52:52:0969 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/org.gnome.Maps.desktop/* to plugin cache
12:52:52:0969 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/org.gnome.Weather/* to plugin cache
12:52:53:0437 GsPluginSnap Failed to find refreshable snaps: status-code=500 kind=(null) message=cannot list updates: Post https://api.snapcraft.io/v2/snaps/refresh: net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
12:52:53:0516 Gs  Only 7 apps for popular list, hiding
12:52:53:0595 Gtk Could not load a pixbuf from icon theme.
This may indicate that pixbuf loaders or the mime database could not be found.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

我尝试更新和升级软件包,重新安装 gnome 软件,但它仍然关闭,请帮我解决这个问题


Ubuntu Software 在后台使用的 Snapcraft 今天由于防火墙问题而出现间歇性中断。您可以看到它在尝试访问时如何出现 HTTP 500 错误(服务器错误)api.snapcraft.io




rm ~/.local/share/gnome-software/*
sudo apt-get upgrade gnome-software
sudo apt-get update


