如何每 24 小时重启修改过的 Minecraft 服务器?

如何每 24 小时重启修改过的 Minecraft 服务器?



tmux send-keys -t VHS "/say §cServer restarting in §l30 minutes. §rPlease get ready to log off." Enter

# Wait for 1770 seconds (29 minutes and 30 seconds)
sleep 1770s


tmux send-keys -t VHS "/say §cServer is restarting in §l30 seconds! §rthe restart will take aproximately 5 minutes!" Enter
sleep 20s

tmux send-keys -t VHS "/say §cServer is restarting in §l10 seconds!" Enter
sleep 5s

tmux send-keys -t VHS "/say §cServer is restarting in §l5 seconds!" Enter
sleep 1s

tmux send-keys -t VHS "/say §cServer is restarting in §l4 seconds!" Enter
sleep 1s

tmux send-keys -t VHS "/say §cServer is restarting in §l3 seconds!" Enter
sleep 1s

tmux send-keys -t VHS "/say §cServer is restarting in §l2 seconds!" Enter
sleep 1s

tmux send-keys -t VHS "/say §cServer is restarting in §l1 second!" Enter
sleep 1s

停止 Minecraft 服务器:

tmux send-keys -t VHS "/stop" Enter
sleep 300s


tmux send-keys -t VHS "./run.sh" Enter

我为 crontab 编写的代码行如下所示:

0 21 * * * /VHServer/restart.sh

