Ipv6 与 Ipv4:有没有办法强制使用 Ipv6?

Ipv6 与 Ipv4:有没有办法强制使用 Ipv6?

我是 Ubuntu/Linux 的初学者,所以我想知道是否有任何方法可以强制 Ubuntu 在解析名称时首选 IPv4 或 IPv6(例如:google.com 有 ipv4 和 ipv6 地址。是否有任何设置允许我说当某些应用程序要求该名称时应该优先使用 IPv6 而不是 IPv4?)




man gai.conf

       A  call  to getaddrinfo(3) might return multiple answers.  According to
       RFC 3484 these answers must be sorted so that the answer with the high‐
       est  success  rate is first in the list.  The RFC provides an algorithm
       for the sorting.  The static rules are  not  always  adequate,  though.
       For  this  reason,  the  RFC  also  requires that system administrators
       should have the possibility to dynamically change the sorting.  For the
       glibc implementation, this can be achieved with the /etc/gai.conf file.

       Each  line  in the configuration file consists of a keyword and its pa‐
       rameters.  White spaces in any place are ignored.  Lines starting  with
       '#' are comments and are ignored.


#    For sites which prefer IPv4 connections change the last line to
#precedence ::ffff:0:0/96  100

这意味着如果您希望 IPv4 优先于 IPv6,那么您基本上只需取消注释上面的行,并将最后一行更改为注释所述的内容。
